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Nelson Mandela: Modern day prophet

Essay Instructions:

2 pages works cited title page picture contributions to world peace, poverty or human rights investigate the particular work to which the person was or is dedicated to determine the means the person used to achieved their goals what were their personal characteristics and faith that helped them accomplish their goals

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Nelson Mandela: Modern day prophet
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 Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela qualifies for the title of a modern day prophet. He was not born one but he gradually transitioned into one through tribulations. He committed his life to suffer for the right things through his outstanding ability for flexibility and apt decision making whilst deriving strength from his followers (Maanga 97). He was a great leader and statesman that demonstrated commendable resilience for humankind, zeal to fight for his people’s liberation and strong opposition to apartheid.
Nelson Mandela showcased the epitome of good leadership, love and harmony. He also espoused tenets of good governance, addressing the challenge of poverty, and assisting the marginalized. Mandela united people with differing ideologies, races, religious convictions, gender and sociocultural differences to demonstrate best practices in maintaining world peace and co-existence (Maanga 96).
One of the most compelling reason for his status as a modern day prophet is his patriotism. He endured a 27-year prison term, which was mostly in solitude in Robben Island. He is also celebrated for his approach to governance that only saw him serve for one term. He opted out of presidency even when he was sure that South Africans would reelect him to the position (Maanga 98). This is a display of good governance which is scarce in many parts of the world.
He pursued his goals through selfless activism against oppressors. Nelson Mandela had a firm commitment to conflict resolution, promoting reconciliation and human rights. He was ready to give his life for the ideals of free society that provided equal opportunities for all. Mandela also believed in the strength of the human spirit in his resilience and perseverance of many years in jail. This is an inspi...
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