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Journal Reflection Questions

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following questions directly from the book Losing Your Religion Finding Your Faith by Brett Hoover, Paulist Press, 1998. Each questions gets a 1 page answer. Question 1: Chapter 1: Spirituality What is the relationship between spirituality and storytelling? Reflect on a personal story which has given you a spiritual insight. Question 2: Chapter 2: The Spiritual Road Trip How is our faith a spiritual journey? Choose one of the components in this chapter and discuss an insight which you gained. Question 3: Chapter 3: Getting out of the Garage-Cpmmitment and the Spiritual Journey Name and describe a person in your life who has made a commitment to faith. What kind of struggle or difficulties do you think they have had to overcome. Question 4: Chapter 4: Scams of Faith-Losing our Spiritual Myths Which of the eight myths discussed in Chapter four struck you the most deeply and personally? Why? What did you learn? Only use the book as the source. Thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Question 1:Chapter 1: SpiritualityWhat is the relationship between spirituality and storytelling?Reflect on a personal story which has given you a spiritual insight.
Spirituality is a whole piece which encompasses the whole body between life, reality and super natural being, our creator God giving us the rationale of the touch among the pieces. While storytelling is the reliance of information both auditory and visual imagery to reveal the elements and images of a story in a concrete way. Thus there is a relationship between Spirituality and storytelling because they compliment each other, that; while spirituality entails a lot what surrounds the human race, their faith and their creator, the generalized information gathered and written in incredible words, they are simply broken down and thought in phrases form in stories.
The pieces framed touch on the experiences, past events and myths trying to come into terms with the word spirituality in its broadens putting together our parts of life with insights of faith.
Spirituality informs us or has taught most of us on how to deal with challenges we face in our daily life including the deviances and norms in our cultures and daily endeavors coming to terms with the touch of ordinary and extra ordinary divine words of believing.
Insight story
Since I was a very little kid, Chess has taught me on how to deal with failure. I learn at every young age that failure is the norm in Chess and precisely because I have failed, I hold in high regard those who fail less often to try and understand the rules of how Chess is played, those who play safely in one out of three chances and becomes a star player. I also find it fascinating that Chess alone is sport, considers errors to be part of the game, part of rigorous truth.
Question 2:Chapter 2: The Spiritual Road TripHow is our faith a spiritual journey? Choose one of the components in this chapter and discuss an insight which you gained.
Life is a series of spiritual journeys. Thus for the young adults the process of loosing their religion and the discovery of their faith is a species of a journey.
Many young adults do not lose their faith--they just find a new way to understand it. As they question their traditions, experiences, and religious convictions they see different aspects (probably because they are on their own).
Faith is the spiritual journey as a "Road Trip". Many people commute to work. Commuters are only concerned with getting to their destination. They dread the trip, ignore the sights, and think only of the end. Many people live their spiritual lives as commuters on the way to heaven. "Road Trips" involve rest stops, visiting; sight seeing, discussions, laughter, and growth. This is what the spiritual journey should be. Our growth should be enjoyable and have an awareness of the journey to heaven.
The divine trip-tik actually states well that before one is born God has already given the individual a spiritual itinerary. God's plan for each life is interpreted by Hoover as a "divine trip-tik," prayer is a "cell phone to the most high," community, tradition, and scripture, are "company on the road" and the Holy Spirit is "navigator." It gives more details and inspires one to do the right and take a spiritual road trip as planned by God spiritually.
Question 3:Chapter 3: Getting out of the Garage-Commitment and the Spiritual JourneyName and describe a person in your life who has made a commitment to faith. What kind of struggle or difficulties do you think they have had to overcome?
The spiritual realms lives within us and not somewhere else thus being in the garage describes what kind of chains hold you from finding the spiritual insight of incredible faith, great grace of God and unconditional love and wisdom of God. To get out of this, strategies of overcoming and fighting between darkness and light must be your fighting tool because tragedies, hurts, fears and arguments that remain unresolved with our souls and emotions might bring an imbalance between inner self and outer life. Commitment then follows, through indisputable evidence to be able to transform our nature into a fuss or bliss of peace should be effortful while understanding that struggle exists and use the spiritual journey as a process.
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