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Balancing our burdens the Challenging Expectation

Essay Instructions:
You can use any sources as long as it is a book. Use other sources that's fine. But it must be sources for the book. Answer each of the following questions with at least a 1 page response. Only use the book as your source. Answer the following questions directly from the book Losing Your Religion Finding Your Faith by Brett Hoover, Paulist Press, 1998. Chapter 5: Balancing Our Burdens Question: As you move along your faith journey, what is an expectation which you find challenging? Chapter 6: Keeping Our Eye On The Ball-Dealing with the Distractions of Young Adulthood Question: Faith requires focus. Which distraction discussed in this chapter is real for you? Which distraction is not a problem for you? Chapter 7: Transforming Our Expectations Question: Reflect and then comment on the quote, “If you have God or even life all figured out, then you don't yet know anything.” Chapter 8: Spiritual Supplies Question: The author names seven supplies necessary for mature faith. Name each and comment briefly on their role in your faith and journey.
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Balancing our burdens - the Challenging Expectation
According to Hoover, there are many burdens that people in the journey of faith experience, research indicates clearly that these burdens are dependant on individual and therefore they reportedly shift from individual to individual.
Taking my personality into question about the most challenging expectation through the faith journey among the couple presented by theologists Hoover, it will only be fair to state that peer expectation has really been a great challenge to me and has almost messed up my stand in faith were it not for persistent prayer and counseling with and by my faith mentor respectively. When growing up as a teenager and with precise emphasis a teenager in the journey of faith, there is a lot of pressure coming from your peers who have not seen the light and still dwell and do the things of darkness. Pressure would arise in ma multiple forms and I had to be really strong and resolute lest this pressure subdued my conscience and forced me to conform. Many are the times my friends would call me out for a drink, normally I must agree it is very enjoyable to go out with your friends for a drink but just as the research indicates, many of the friends would take this chance to name the massive drinker among the crew and also tarnish the name of the coward. All this I endured and openly as research shows it, friends are never normally intent in ruining their friends lives and make them loose direction, but eventually this habits turn out to be very regretful as one realizes only too late that they have lost direction in life. I must state the reality that this was utmost challenging expectation and I had to hold up my faith and don`t allow myself to give in to pressure in this way I managed to have my burdens balanced for the positive progress in faith..
Distractions Through the Journey of Faith
Faith is described as a matter of having proper focus and maintaining to that focus. As is evident, there are many distractions that manifest themselves in a way that if we are not difficultly focused, we will therefore loose our faith and gain the world.
Personally I take the media to be one of the most stubborn and also very recurrent distractions in my life through the journey of faith. I am a young adult and it is only fair to state that, according to research, it is openly evident that the media is really into our lives and rotates through our everyday lives and activities. Media such as the television radio and the internet are my greatest distractions through my faith journey. Many are the times I find myself distracted and spending my religious time watching TV or listening top the radio. The worst of this media which has really contributed to the lack of constant progress in my journey is the internet especially facebook. I spend a lot of time on this but with prayers I am sure the Lord will always deliver me and assist me make greater strides in my faith journey.
Taking that as my distraction, from the reading I would also like to out rule one named distraction as not to being in my list of distractions of the focus on the faith. Shopping thrills as mentioned leaves me baffled as to why they might be source of distraction to a believe r. To me the shopping fort thrills aspect of distraction is so petty for me such that it can`t make me stagger an inch out of the narrow road to heaven. Although I say this, I would like to conclude by acknowledging the fact that there are a bunch of distractions which might lead an individual a stray from the journey of faith, and therefore every individual should note that faith is a matter of putting the eye on the ball and maintaining that.
Transforming our Expectations
The Christian faith centrally teaches ...
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