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Immigration in America

Essay Instructions:
Discuss: What impact did immigration have on religious diversity in America.
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Immigration in America
Religious diversity has remained a core distinguishing feature in the American since time immemorial. This assertion is grounded on the fact that the native were marked diverse values long before the coming of the Europeans into North America. During the ancient times, religious diversity in America served both as a source of accommodative mentality and a source of conflict (Welch et al 56). On the negative side, the 1680 Pueblo uprising which was prompted by a religious conflict as Spanish settlers engaged in seeking to force Roman Catholicism in the southwest region of America (Brewer et al).
On the contrary, the accommodation of religious diversity in the nation was sufficiently evident during the colonial era. This was prompted by a rapid increase in the number of religions in the community, thus forcing acceptance of diversity as the best option for ensuring sustainable co-existence in the society. Indeed, the concern for the co-existence of members in the community is the most significant reason behind entrenchment of the freedom of religion in the America constitution (Eck). This essay seeks to identify and discuss the impact that immigration has on religious diversity in America.
Immigration has been a major factor that has contributed to religious diversity in America. The American nation is evidently marked with people from all walks of life. True from historical literatures, the colonial era of the nation brought with it increased influx of immigrants from all over the world (Brewer et al). It is established that such groups which entered the nation during this time sought to continue with their traditions and cultural practices; with religious beliefs being one of their significant identifying qualities. As an emphasis for example, it is claimed that the increased popularity of Christianity in the nation came with the European colonists (Brewer et al).
Christianity has its historical influence in the European continent long before missionaries engaged in spreading it to other nations. In addition, the freedom of worship remained highly restricted in most European nations in the ancient times (Welch et al 60). This had the implication that citizens never enjoyed the privilege of choosing and practicing their religious beliefs. For example, the England as a nation did not recognize religious diversity among its citizens. They were bound by the law to assumed members and loyalty to the Church of England (Brewer et al).
On the other hand, North America, being a colony of England provided a better environment for the people to freely practices their religious beliefs and traditions. Indeed, this was the driving reason behind the diverse number of settlers who came to America during the colonial era. Another impact of immigration and its impact in the diversity of religion in America is the issue of slavery. According to available information, it is claimed that the origin of Islamic religion in the American society was influenced by slaves (Brewer et al). It is worth noting that most of the slaves brought to America during the colonial era were from North America.
Moreover, the northern part of Africa is mainly comprised of Muslims. Therefore, slavery and the important role it played in transferring people from other nations into America brought with it religious diversity. In the modern setting, it is believed that religion is sufficiently being influenced by the common trend of immigrant influx into the nation. On the one hand, different communities have been marked with limited if any hi...
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