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Gospel of John

Essay Instructions:
Summarize the Gospel of John with what the main points are in the book. Along with the summary add your own opinion as to what you thought of the Gospel in comparison to the others and how it relates to your personal life.
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The Gospel of John covered the duration of ministry of the Lord Jesus. John covers different episodes and events at the time of Jesus. This Gospel can be divided into various sections. It begins with the explanation of the Lordship of Jesus and His existence from the creation of the world which forms the prologue. Chapter one explains how Jesus came to save the world and how His own people rejected Him (John 1:1-18).
The next segment (John 1:19-4:54) introduces the role of John the Baptist in preparation of the way for the coming of the Messiah. In this section, the word is preached in all Judea and Israel. Jesus performs the first miracle in Cana during the wedding. The element of the new wine depicts that He had come to mark a change of dispensation. Jesus encounters Nicodemus, an event which portrays that however much Nicodemus knew about the law, he was not aware of how to see the kingdom of God. The event at Jacob’s well with the Samaritan woman also shows that the most rejected people can be changed into God’s precious vessels to evangelize Jesus and lead people into the kingdom of God.
John 5:1 to John 12:50 represent the rejection Jesus received in His ministry and the attempts by...
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