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Morality And Religion: Is God The Source Of Morality?

Essay Instructions:

Section#1-- one word "yes" or "no"

Section#2-- what have others said who disagree with your position ? Quote exactly three sources and be sure to state the reasons for their disagreement. Begin each paragraph with the phrase, "it seems that god is the source of morality, for as Plato ( this is for example it doesn't have to be Plato) says "...........""

Section#3-- what have others said on behalf of your position? Again , document exactly three scholars who agree with you and state the reasons they do so. Begin with the phrase, " on the contrary, it seems god is not the source of morality, for as Socrates ( for example) says".......""

Section#4-- this is where you explain why you take the position you do. Be sure to backup your claims with evidence and avoid fallacies. It is recommended that you divide this section into three tightly focused and short paragraphs that provide three different arguments for the truth of your position. Remember, your position is not established by the bad reasoning of your opponents. Reserve all attacks for section 5. Begin this section saying" I answer that god is not the source of morality because......"

Section#5-- Rebut each of the reasons given by your opponents in section #2. 

Please follow this outline exactly. Do not add introduction or conclusion

And for the the question in the topic I want it to be answered with no. So, section#1 will be No

And please know this is a paper for philosophy class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Morality and Religion
It seems that god is the source of morality as would be seen in the argument that Kant brings forward. In his argument, Kant is keen to point out the element of autonomy as central to this approach. He points out that the will of a person to do what us ethically correct lies within them. It is an autonomous choice that a person has to make for them to find the right thing to do whenever they are face with an ethical dilemma (Denis, Lara, and Eric Wilson). One can motivate themselves to do the right thing when they are given the choice. At the same time they can constrain themselves where they feel that whatever they are about to do is not ethical. However he is quick to mention that there is close connection between morality and religion and thus the element of God in ethical matters.
It seems that god is the source of morality given the fact that, Plato also points to the existence of the soul. In his argument, there must be another being that controls the rest of the universe in a way that the humans may not see or perceive through general approaches. Plato worked to show that, there are gods which points to the believed that he held about morality (Hare, John).
It seems god is the source for morality as is seen in the argument that Euthyphro. His was a rather strong approach, where if the gods decided that genocide and mass murder was good this would pass the morality test. If they then decided that killing hundreds of thousands of people is wrong, this passes for the moral thing to do. It is a common approach that is used in the Old Testaments, where some of the wars are deemed beneficial as they were supported by God and there are those that were deemed unholy as they were against the will of God. It seems that god is the source of morality especially when considering the view that were held by Aquinas. He had a strong sense of the way that God influenced the decisions that one made (Hare, John).
‘One of the first to do so was none other than Thomas Aquinas. He conceded that something is good because God says so, but this is simply because it is in God’s nature to be good, which guarantees that his commands will in fact be moral. This is the above mentioned caveat: Aquinas was asserting that the Christian God is good by its very nature (unlike, say, those pesky Olympian ones, with all their all-too-human foibles). But even assuming that Aquinas is right about God’s nature (one would have, again, to ignore quite a bit of the Old Testament to agree), this still doesn’t get us far enough away from the second horn: how do we know that God’s nature is good? In order to make that judgment without incurring into a circular argument (and at the same time being impaled by the first horn) it seems like we must have some independent criterion of “good,” i.e., “holy is beloved by the gods [or it is in the gods’ nature] because it is holy.’ (Pigliucci, Massimo)
This is what the author is presenting to the audience in reference to getting them to understand better the mechanics of the concepts.
On the contrary, it seems god is not the source of morality for as Humes argues, this is an element that there is no rational empirical basis that can be applied to the beliefs of miracles. He argues from design that, the element of religion and morality are two separate entities. According to Humes, the element of a deity watching over humans and guiding their every decision is borne of the ignorance of the humans, to believe in powers they cannot see (Pigliucci, Massimo). He felt that, much of these beliefs are driven by human enthusiasms and superstition. Much of the beliefs in the element of god guiding morality are associated with enthusiasm which relates to hope, presumption, imagination, pride and even ignorance. In the case of the superstition, Humes felt that humans were driven by factors such as fear, ignorance, melancholy and weakness.
On the contrary it seems god is not the source morality, for as Socrates responds to the ...
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