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3 pages/≈825 words
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Freedom Of Choice Between Right And Wrong, Good And Evil

Essay Instructions:

Format for Synthesis

- typed and double spaced

- font size between 10-12

- between 700-800 words long (not counting quotations)

Synthesis: This synthesis is a short, argumentative essay that synthesizes your own critical thinking with two sources to support your thesis. It should include a works cited page for these sources, and the whole synthesis should be in MLA format.

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Full Name Professor Subject Date Synthesis Essay on Freedom For centuries, theologians and philosophers have believed that losing free will can be disastrous and calamitous. It means humans are free to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and positive and negative. In the Christian tradition, this concept is known as “moral liberty.” But Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant argued that if we had the right to choose between good and bad, it wouldn’t be possible for us to understand the true meanings of life. God has created everything with a purpose. If He sent us to this world and provided all things for our survival, then He has set some rules too, and we are to follow those rules and regulations at any cost. But I personally believe that free will does exist because God does not force us to do a particular thing. Instead, He has given us full freedom and made it easy for us to understand nature. Today, scientists have discovered and invented a lot of things, and if free will didn’t exist, it wouldn’t have been possible for them to unfold the truths of nature. The shift in perception is the continuation of an intellectual revolution that started years ago when Charles Darwin put forth his theories of evolution and published “On the Origin of Species.” Later on, Sir Francis Galton drew out the implication: If we had evolved, then our mental faculties like memory must be hereditary (McFee 14). The latest experiments on the human brain prove that we are naturally allowed to take our decisions according to our desires, and the brain is programmed to distinguish between right and wrong. It means free will does exist but changes to brain chemistry can alter our behavior. Prophecy is the thesis that human acts are pre-planned and there is a superior power to control everything. It means whatever we do, from eating to sleeping and from studying to working, has already been programmed. Regardless of the theories and philosophies supporting prophecy, I still believe that free will does exist. If God has sent us to this world, then He has permitted us to take our own decisions. Meanwhile, we should not forget that we cannot control our lifespan. Prophecy only presents us with...
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