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Four principal arguments for God's existence

Essay Instructions:
Hello,briefly explain the four principal arguments for God's existence and critically evaluate Immanuel Kant's objections and his counter argument. Refer to chapter 13 of your textbook; "Philosophy, the power of ideas" by Brooke Noel Moore & Kenneth Bruder. Limit your answer to 5 pages and base your writing on Philosophical positions not your religious belief. Acknowledge your source(s)/references
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Name: Instructor: Course: Date of submission: Principle Arguments Regarding God’s Existence The topic about existence of God is usually one of the hottest in the entire philosophy. Numerous philosophers have tried to come up with logical explanations regarding the existence of God, while others coming up with philosophies of objecting the existence. Various philosophers answer the question of God’s existence depending on the way they view the world, the way people behave as well as their expectation for the future (Moore & Brooke, 21). However, there have been four common principle arguments concerning the existence of God, though Emmanuel Kant have objected to this through his philosophical reasoning. The Cosmological argument about the existence of God illustrate that the world is not in a position of existing on its own, bringing in the belief that a first cause must have brought it into existence. This first reason is believed to be God, while in another context, it would be impossible for the universe to come to being on its own since something or someone must have created it. The teleological argument, which is also referred to “the arguments from design”, states that the world proves great design as well as complexity and thus an indication that a great Designer of God must have done the good work. This argument is mainly likened to a common watch, where a watchmaker usually designs a watch. This implies that since the world bears great complexity, it must have been created by a Divine or greater Designer who is termed as God. In figures, the teleological argument states that the world proves too much complexity for it to be based on mere or random chance. The celestial bodies are known to move with ideal accurateness in their orbits. Furthermore, the bodies of humankind bear incredible complexity, meaning that for these and other complexities of the universe could not simply exist out of nowhere, since God must have created them all (Rowe, William &Trakakis, 13) The ontological argument is quite different from the cosmological as well as teleological arguments, as it does not base its argument on the evidence or prove in the natural universe. The argument is not based on effect or cause, since it states that God is the greatest imaginable being. One of the features of greatness or perfection is existence, and therefore God exists. In another term, God must exist for the fact that He is conceivable. This particular argument was expanded around twelfth century by a philosopher as well as a theologian called Anselm. It is based on the declaration of Anselm that God is definable as “that which nothing greater can be conceived”. The argument of moral law states that morality could be impossible without God, adding that a lawgiver must be existing to start and support moral law. Moreover, there moral law must bear some basis behind it because it is universal and thus cannot be very accidentally. This view states that every individual is usually born with an intrinsic understanding of wrong and right. For instance, all people are aware that killing a blameless individual is wrong, while helping a drowning individual is right. Thus, the adherents put in that the understanding or wrong and right is given by God as He puts it into the people’s heart (Philipse & Herman, 10). Emmanuel Kant is a philosopher who challenged and engaged criticism towards the four traditional evidences of the existence of God. He developed his preferable moral a...
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