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Discuss how faith effects the way one sees and relates to the world around them

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Discuss how faith effects the way one sees and relates to the world around them.
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Discuss how faith effects the way one sees and relates to the world around them
Faith can be defined as a strong and firm belief in something. It is something that is believed without any evidence of proof. Faith can be in form of religion, customs, ideologies and even political. It keeps people together in hope of something that may at one time occur in the future to change their lifestyles and ways of thinking.
Religious provides a very firm base in support of different forms of faith. Different religions came with different types of faiths, the Muslims believe in different faiths than say Christians and Hindus. The main aim of the religious faith is to consolidate the followers in acceptance of the common beliefs. Political faith and beliefs are also aimed at bringing followers of the same political parties to believe in common agenda.
Whether religious, customary or political, faith is a socially accepted concept which helps in establishing the truth about facts and data in different societies. The whole idea of having common societal beliefs is to control the human behavior. Human behavior is influenced by what he/she believes in. How one behaves is derived from what he believes in. What one believes influences the types of relations that he exposes or expects from the society around him.
People with different faiths tend to see things and behave differently. Spiritual and customary believes can be said to be the major causes of divisions in our societies. For instance, what Christians believe in may differ with what Hindus believe in. The big issue then remains how people from such different backgrounds relate in the same society. This affects societal integration and relationships adversely since people from different faiths tend to create their own classes hence the divisions.
Faith affects relationships in societies. It dictates how one is supposed to socialize and interrelate with people in the society. People with a common faith tend to be stiffer to learn and adopt beliefs from societies with different beliefs. Faith is what defines the diversities in the modern world and how people live. People with a common faith tend to stay put together and view other beliefs as weaknesses. This can be said to be a limitation since it hinders relationships which may otherwise be fruitful.
Faith also influences thinking in our societies. The beliefs that every individual has, influences the thinking and on how to perceive some issues. Facts in societies are judged according to beliefs. For instance, in some societies, war and fight is what brings one closer to God while in others warring is a taboo and should be avoided. In such a case, if war arises the thinking of the people will be determined from what they believe in. the thinking capacities on individuals in such cases is limited to their faith. The faith that one has may limit capability if the believe is stronger than actions.
Faith is a source of strength for one to move on. It encourages one to carry on, face and accomplish the purpose of life. By having a strong base and future hopes, one is able to face different challenges of life and resolve them in hope for returns and acceptance to what he/she beliefs in. It helps to build and develop the society in ways of thinking and resolving difficulties. People with common faith advice and encourage each other in times of difficulties and in developing the society.
Faith creates a common goal in a society. Solidarity in our societies is determined by our faith. Belief in a common faith facilitates achieving our targets and goals. Our projects may not work if we do not have faith and belief in them and in their success, fa...
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