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Crucifixion in Ancient Times and Crucifixion of Jesus

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Crucifixion in Ancient Times and Crucifixion of Jesus
Jesus death and crucifixion, though a Christian faith doctrine, was a ruthless way of Romans in public torture. Sinners and those who broke the law against the authority had to undergo the gruesome mode of punishment. Ancient archeological records indicate the crucifixion of 3,000 political enemies of King Darius of Persia in 513 BC. The first attests of crucifixion were among the Persians and later the Greeks with Alexander the Great and Carthaginians ("Roman Crucifixion Methods Reveal the History of Crucifixion - Biblical Archaeology Society").
The rulers of the Roman Empire adopted the model for the punishment of slaves and immigrants mainly for treason. The cross was a T shaped upright and horizontal crossbar, but has been described differently over the ages. Condemned ‘sinners’ were made to carry their cross, flogged while naked up to the location for crucifixion. The victim’s arms were tied firmly to the crossbar over their shoulders. A centurion accompanied by Roman Military guards accompanied the procession. They carried the sign indicating the crime later to be posted at the top of the cross (Edwards and Gabel). Crucifixion involved either nailing of the victim or just tying. The nails, made of iron were drilled above the wrist or even through the wrist. Others were put through the forearm (Edwards and Gabel). The feet of the victim were nailed to relieve the pressure on the wrist nailed by exerting more pressure on the lower body. Roman laws of Sabbath forbid bodies to be on the cross, hence the breaking of the victim's legs.
The death of the sinner was meant to be slow and painful, to send a message to other people. The brutal provocative act ensured a rule with people and slaves abiding by the law and relentlessly respecting the rule of the King. Asphyxiation was the main cause of death as a result of respiratory interference of the victim leading to a lack of oxygen and carbon IV oxide exchange in the body (Alchin). The brain without oxygen results in unconsciousness and later death. The victim was also left hungry and without water over time to ensure they die miserably. The whole experience could cause trauma and physical shock, resulting from the scourging leading to immediate death. Some victims could go for up to 9 days and either survive death or die at the time (Alchin).
In a literary source by Josephus, it indicated that he was able to plead for the lives of his three friends to the Roman general Titus at the time. Their lives were spared and the Centurion in charge ordered to take them down and take utmost care of the victims. Later, two succumbed, but the other survived. The health of the victim before crucifixion could determine how long they could survive...
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