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Craig’s Kalam, St. Anselm's Ontological, and Manson's Arguments

Essay Instructions:

No word limit. Just explain each topic clearly. I will prepare the required readings. Do not use the information other than our required readings. Please send me messages if you need help or clarification.

Not-So-Short Answer Questions

C1.  Explain the difference between claim (1) of Craig’s Kalam argument and the moderate principle of sufficient reason as it appears in Reichenbach’s argument from contingency. Describe a conceivable entity that one but not both of these principles implies would have a cause (if it existed), say which principle has this implication, and explain why these principles differ in this way.

C2.  Summarize the ontological argument that St. Anselm defends in Chapter 2 of Proslogion.

C3.  Explain the “normalizability” objection to the Fine Tuning Argument (FTA) that Manson presents. To do this, you must (among other things) explain (the relevant parts of) the FTA (as Manson presents the FTA) in sufficient detail to show how the normalizability objection counts, in Manson’s view, as an objection to it.

C4.  What is the claim that Crummett calls the “Premise,” and in what ways does Crummett take it to exacerbate the problem of evil if it is true?

C5. Craig says that the truth of atheism would have unappealing implications for three interrelated aspects of our lives. What are the three, what implications does Craig think atheism would have for them, and why does he think what he does? 

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The difference is that an initiating cause is the basis of Craig's argument, while a sufficient reason is the basis of the sufficient reason principle. Craig argued that anything that starts to exist should have a cause. He asserted that since the universe began to exist, it must have had an initiating cause (Reichenbach 154). On the other hand, the principle of sufficient reason asserts that no statement can be confirmed and no fact can exist or be real unless there is a sufficient reason explaining why it should be that way and not otherwise (Reichenbach 152). Craig argued that an initiating cause is necessary for something to exist. In contrast, the principle of sufficient reason argues that only a sufficient reason is needed to explain the existence of something.
A contingent being is a conceivable entity that Craig's principle implies would have a cause if it existed. A contingent being is one in which, if it exists, it may have never existed before (Reichenbach 155). There is an explanation or a cause for its existence. Craig's argument differs from the principle of sufficient reason since the contingent being has an initiating cause but not a sufficient reason for its existence.
St. Anselm defends the ontological argument that God is a great being that one cannot think of any greater being (Anselm 133). He claimed that even a fool understands that God exists. He asserted that even if a fool claims that there is no God, they understand that God is great and cannot think of any other greater being. The fool recognizes that a great being exists in their understanding even if it does not exist in reality. Consequently, God exists since even a fool's mind understands this concept. Since people understand that God exists in their minds, God exists in reality and understanding since what is understood also exists in reality. As a result, in reality, and understanding, a great being exists that one cannot think of any other greater thing.
The Fine-Tuning Argument (FTA) explains God's existence. The universe's structure has precise parameters like density, age, temperature, mass, expansion rate, and curvature (Mansion 271). Nonetheless, some physicists speculated on what the universe would look like if such precise parameters differed slightly. The universe would not be able to support life in such cases due to a lack of finely tuned precise parameters to s...
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