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Comparison of the story of Adam and Eve

Essay Instructions:

our essay must be typed in Times New Romans with 12” fonts. Double Spaced. With standard margins.

You must cite your essay. Your sources must be from scholarly work (articles and books). Do not use internet sources or websites.

The essay must have a title.

The essay must answer the question (s).

It must be free of grammatical errors with clear introduction, argument (theses) and a conclusion.

The essay must be no less than 4-5 pages, 1000-1250 words.

(The essay should address the similarities and differences of the two stories in the two sacred books,Do the two sacred books tell the same story of Adam and Eve? What does each book tell us about the two couple? What do they tell us about the sin of the couple? Where does the original sin come from? Which of the two sacred books mention that Adam and Eve were the first human couple?

Make sure your essay has an introduction and a conclusion.)

only use the bible and Quran as sources.

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Course title:
Comparison of the story of Adam and Eve
Many people have had a skewed thought that the Bible and the Quran are so different they do not contain any similar story. Contrary to this, the Bible and the Quran have many similar stories although they are told in somehow different fashions. One of these similar stories is the story of the couple in the Garden of Eden. This is a similar story in both the bible and the Quran. However it has its differences here and there. This paper analyses this story of the couple (Adam and Eve) in the Garden of Eden in the view of the similarities and the differences.
Both the Bible and the Quran contain the story of the couple in the Garden of Eden. In both of the stories, Adam is portrayed as the first man on earth. This gives a similar view in the origin of human beings because, in the focus of this, all people originated from this first man. Therefore, both stories recognize God as the creator of people and Adam as the first man to be created.
Kaltner (2009) note that; both the Bible and the Quran recognize that the first couple were first placed in the Garden of Eden where they lived eating the fruits that were available in plenty. They both recognize the essence of the couple eating the forbidden fruit. Both of these religious books have record of the couple eating a fruit from a tree which they had been forbidden to eat. The two books recognize this as an offence to God, the creator of the couple and ultimately the creator of the nations of people. They view this as a sin that was committed by the first couple to God.
Kaltner (2009) acknowledges that; following the eating of this forbidden fruit, both the Bible and the Quran record the punishment that follows. The Bible records the punishment in form of the man having to do hard tasks throughout his life to sustain his wife and offspring. Adam, and the subsequent women, would have difficulties during child birth as a punishment for eating the forbidden fruit. God told Adam in Genesis 3:17 “Given that you listened to Eve and ate fruit from the tree, the ground is cursed because of you; all the days of your life you will eat of this ground through painful toil.” In Genesis 3:16, God told Eve “I would increase your childbearing pains considerably; you will bear children with pain. Your desire will be for your husband, a man that will rule over you.” The Quran also has a record of punishment for this first couple for eating the forbidden fruit. As a punishment, the Quran records that God chased Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and were placed on the earth as representatives of God.
In both of the books, the couple attempt to ask for forgiveness from God. In the Quran, while the couple is in the earth, they ask God to forgive them. In the Quran Adam and Eve say “God, we have wronged our souls and if you do not forgive us and not bestow your mercy upon us, we will definitely be lost” (Al-A `raf 7:22-23). They eventually received the forgiveness. In the Bible, the asking for forgiveness is not directly stipulated but there are records of the couple trying to justify the eating of the forbidden fruit. Adam says that it was Eve who influenced him to eat the fruit while Eve says that it is the serpent that influenced her. Adam blamed Eve when he said the following in Genesis 3: 12: “The woman that you placed here to be with me gave me a fruit from the tree and then I ate the fruit.” These can be compared to the asking of forgiveness by the couple in the Quran. They can be seen as attempts to ask for forgiveness in an indirect way.
The differences
While the Quran states that God made Man from clay, the Bible says that God made man from dust. The Quran states that “we created Man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape” (Al-Hijr 15:26). The Islam holy book also states that “He started the creation of Man from clay, and made Man’s progeny from a quintessence of fluid” (As-Sajdah 32:7-8). The Bible illustrates that Man was made from dust. It says “the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Man then became a living thing” (Genesis 2:7).
The other difference is in the initiation of the eating of the forbidden fr...
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