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Christianity and the Holy Trinity

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What controversary of the holy trinity contributed to the development of Christianity.
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The Holy Trinity: The Controversy
The assertion that God of the Old Testament, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ of Nazareth are three different supreme beings but at the same time one being united to serve a similar purpose is what is The Holy Trinity in simple descriptions. This is what has historically created one of the greatest controversies in the development of Christianity.
There is the belief among Christians today that each of three persons (i.e. God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ) are individually separated in form and have each assigned duties that are fully unique to them and even though the function distinctively they are all united in action and purpose. What has brewed controversy of the years is this seemingly contradicting proclamation. On face value it actually does not make much sense and for a long period of time it has been regarded as a mystery that, just like many other contentious Christian issues, is beyond basic human understanding and deemed irrefutable. In fact, it is argued that if this ideology had not been brought forward then there would be no controversy in the first place. This is supported by the various propositions and recorded details that the Trinity concept had not existed before the fourth century. The idea that there existed the Holy Trinity and it consisted of the three supreme beings was advanced by some 4th century writers who had already conceived it in their minds for a long time. Until then, this concept is not recorded to have existed.
Vaguely put, and in a layman’s language, the word “trinity” with it’s origin in Latin and translated as “triad” in the English language, means “three”. An early theory that the Catholics have as part of their defense of the existence of the Holy Trinity is that as early as the second century Theophillus of Antioch is noted to have mentioned a trias of θεος with theos referring to “God”, λογος written as logos in English meaning “Word”, and sofia meaning “Wisdom” and written as σοφια in Latin. Some Catholic priests chose to refer to the “divine triad”, because given the beliefs they held, there was no sufficient scriptures that could make this a major theological point. In fact, there are some versions that some mystical Christians had (e.g. the Gnostic sects) that had belief in an Ineffable Divine where they claim that both Wisdom and Christ emanated from.
In a nutshell, the Trinity as a doctrine did not come into practice as its own form of theological piece but rather as a response to Orthodox Christian and Arian doctrine. As a mere statement of belief they used this to condemn the Gnostics and the Arian by pushing the idea that three were indeed distinct but as well unified to fully form one God. We can not here that this is not a concept of theology on in its own but rather a belief. We can safely say that the concept of the Holy Trinity does not appear in the Bible clearly but rather in vague references of the three. For example in Matthew 28:19 Jesus is seen “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son,...
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