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Theology 200 Assignment Paper: The Christian Traditions

Essay Instructions:

Theology 200 – The Christian Tradition
Course Paper Two
Each student will write a paper for this course building on the basic understanding of the way theology is done. This paper will select a particular current issue that the student believes is in some way related to religious beliefs. The aim of the paper, which is to be approximately 3 pages typed, double spaced, is to explore the way religious beliefs are applied to real issues in order to provide the believer a way of acting in the world. The possible topics for the paper are as follows:
1. The Christian belief in Jesus is at the core of what Christians confess. Describe an important aspect of what Christians believe about Jesus and how this belief can help Christians confront any critical issue facing our current society.
2. Christians call the various ways they talk about who Jesus is “Christology.” Talk about at least three ways that Christians have decided who Jesus is and in what ways this shapes the way Christians understand their lives as followers of Jesus.
3. If we still see evil in the world, how do Christians understand the presence of evil and in what way do they see that Christians are responsible for intervening to eliminate the impact of evil as much as possible. Choose one example to illustrate what you mean by evil and how Christians might act.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
For Christians everywhere, there has always been a nagging question and one that is used by the atheists among other elements against religion; why is there evil in the world. This is a question that has been constantly twisted as a test of faith and religion in general. As such for Christians, this is a crucial question that they need to answer in light of the presence of an all-powerful and all-knowing Creator. In the Christian understanding there are some several elements that explain the evil in the world even in the presence of good and the power of the Creator. One of the main understanding that is used by the Christians involves the fact that, when man was created, he was also given free will. This means that, every human being has the will to make their independent choices in light of the various situations that they face on a daily basis. As such, one can choose to perpetrate acts of evil or they can choose to do well to those that they interact with. This would explain why there is evil in the world given that some of the people have the tendency to abuse the power of free will where they chose acts of evil other than acts of doing well to the rest of the people.
The other explanation that is largely used by Christians is that, evil exists so that it help the Christians and humans in general to grow morally and spiritually. The idea of creating humans with the flaws, where they can be capable of evils acts, was by design meant to be the very ...
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