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Biblical Belief and Biblical Reaction Writing Assignment

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Biblical Belief  

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Biblical Belief and Biblical Reaction
Christianity is the world' largest religion that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians hold the largest population globally and they believe in Jesus as their savior, the Son of God who was prophesied in the Old Testament and died on the cross to save the humankind from their sins. However, Christianity has been playing a significant role to shape the society. Christianity was started in Roman, Judea and therefore spread to Syria, Anatolia, Europe, and Egypt among others. However, by late 4th century, Christianity was made the official state church in the Roman Empire. The largest Christianity branches are the Catholic Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodox Church as well as the Protestantism. However, since the introduction of Christianity, many other religions were started like Islam which is the second largest religion worldwide and also the fastest growing religion. Christianity has therefore been impacted by the rapid growth of Muslim in various factors. Accordingly, the understudy will discuss how Muslim growth have impacted the Christianity as well as the Christians.
Today, Islam religion is growing faster than the other world's population and it has a large number of younger-age followers than the other religions. It is estimated that, by 2050, there will be approximately 2.92 billion Christians compared to 2.76 billion Muslims therefore, by 2070 the number of Muslims might be higher than the number of Christian in the world. However, Christianity will more likely suffer because more of its followers are becoming non-religious or even join other religions. Moreover, the number of Muslims babies that are born outpace the number of Christian babies. However, as religious populations continue to grow, the potential impacts and challenges between believers continue to emerge. According to the Biblical record, Arabic people are believed to be the descendants of Abraham through his son Ishmael Genesis 25: 6, 12-18, RSV. Muhammad started his lineage from Nebaioth Ishmael's first son. However, during the first two centuries since the existence of Islamic, the Islam went under a rapid growth because of the military influence.
During the 6th and 7th centuries, the relationship between the Christians and Muslims was very good and Muslim Empire used the bureaucracy to govern their empire which included Christians in Syria and Egypt. Also, some verses in Quran taught the Muslims to treat the Jews and Christians with respects. By the 9th the relations between Christianity and Islam changed and conflict between the two religions emerged. These conflicts have fueled the incidence of international terrorism that involves the Muslims. However, with the high population growth of the Muslim community, Christians are likely to be overpowered which might result in forced conversion to Islam. With the rise of the number of Muslims in Europe, most of the Christians are inevitably affected by the fears of Islamic violence. Most of this fears are brought by the terrorist events that have happened in many regions worldwide. Furthermore, many of the Muslims believe in terrorizing as a way of international colonialism and also some of the conservative Muslims generally think that Christians always seek to convert them. For instance, in Indonesia which is the country with the majority of Muslims and also a large number of Christians, many Christians fear that Muslims want to convert Indonesia to an Islamic Nation. However, with a large number of Islamic flowers, Christians feel increasingly marginalized and therefore struggling for their existence.
However, Islam is generally dictatorial in nature and also it is multifaceted unlike the Christianity and therefore, this problem creates how Muslims understands Christians. Therefore, the rapid growth of Muslims is a challenge to the Christians since the Muslims are becoming m...
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