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How have the Bible and the biblical worldview impacted Law

Essay Instructions:
Required: 1. The Gifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels (Hinges of History) (Paperback) (Abbr: GOJ) ~ Thomas Cahill (Author) · ISBN-10: 0385482493 · ISBN-13: 978-0385482493 2. The Unfolding Drama of the Bible (Paperback) (Abbr: UDB) ~ Bernhard W. Anderson(Author) ISBN-10: 0800635604 ISBN-13: 978-0800635602 3. Reconciling the Bible and Science: A Primer on the Two Books of God (Paperback) (Abbr: RBS) ~ Kirk Blackard (Author), Lynn Mitchell (Author) · ISBN-10: 1439240094 · ISBN-13: 978-1439240090 4. The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Augmented Third Edition, College Edition, New Revised Standard Version (Paperback) (Abbr: Bible) · ISBN-10: 0195288831 · ISBN-13: 978-0195288834 5. The Oxford Companion to the Bible (Oxford Companions) (Hardcover) ~ Bruce M. Metzger (Editor), Michael David Coogan (Editor) · ISBN-10: 0195046455 · ISBN-13: 978-0195046458 Page 5 of 5 ESSAY REQUIREMENTS Essays are to be submitted via the course Blackboard Turnitin assignment. Late Papers are counted off 15 points per day starting after due date/time to upload to Blackboard. Early papers welcomed and encouraged. Topic: Using your assigned texts (see Sources section below) construct an essay that explains the relationship between the Bible and your selected topic from the choices listed. You will construct an intellectual discussion of the Bible's impact on modern social/political movements. Regardless of the subject matter, your paper should be the final, succinct result of critical reading and thinking. There is not necessarily a “right” answer, but the answers will be serious and fully informed by the textual materials available to you (including ALL OF THE REQUIRED TEXTS FOR THE COURSE). You should avoid lines of analysis which involve a personal statement of your faith, or lack thereof. Instead, emphasize understanding of ideas and their implications. The paper will be graded for style, form, and content. Content: Your paper should AT MINIMUM discuss the relationship between the subject you have chosen and the Bible. Possible issues to be addresses include the following:  How has the Bible and the biblical worldview impacted the subject in question?  What are the origins of the movement?  Where and how is the issue dealt with in the Bible?  How has the issue or social movement changed over time?  How has the culture, across time, changed things? In your opinion, is this a positive or negative change? Essay Topic Choices Law and the Bible Evolution and the Bible Feminism and the Bible Jung and the Bible Slavery and the Bible Creationism and the Bible Literature and the Bible Science and the Bible Politics and the Bible This is for an undergraduate class. Thank you
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How have the Bible and the biblical worldview impacted Law
The biblical worldview was defined by (Tackett, Bible.com: What`s a Christian Worldview, focus on the family) as the situation when the foundation of everything one does or says is based on the infallible Word of God. (Tackett) further defined worldview as the framework used by people in viewing the reality, make sense of life and the world. The biblical worldview has impacted the laws of different countries world wide. (Miller, Bible.com: What does the bible say about the positive influence of the bible in America?) notes that before the influence of Charles Darwin, student taking law were taught from Blackstone`s commentaries of which used the Law of Moses as its foundation. They further note that the students were taught that the Law was universal and does not change and the Law keeps a society in check. The Bible has been used extensively as the basis for law with most the constitutions of all the states in America being based on the Bible. The Bible has influenced the law given that in swearing as either a witness or when taking office, people have to hold the Bible on their right hand and swear to tell the truth or to serve the in the office diligently as noted by (Tackett). In (Genesis 9:6), the Bible writes that if a man killed a fellow, his life would be required. This verse was the basis for the capital punishment as noted by (Time Tracts). They further observed that when capital punishment was abolished, evil men lacked accountability for their deeds.
(Miller) observes that the prior to a case of Roe V. Wade in 1973, the unborn were valued as human beings and anyone who aborted would guilty of murder. This law was based on one of the Ten Commandments which warn against murder. In those early days, the unborn were also considered as humans and abortion was therefore considered as murder. However, (Miller) notes that the society changed this when the influence of the Bible was contested as a basis for law consequently legalizing abortion in some countries. (Miller) further notes that the Bible was the basis for defining adultery, sodomy and formation as crimes punishable by law. George Washington; the first president United States observed that sodomy destroys the moral fabric of a civilized society.
The first books of the Bible are known as the law books since they contain laws given by God to Moses to the Israelites as noted by (Keathley: The law: the first five books). Genesis as pointed out by (Keathley) deals with various facets that law tends to control including marriage, work sin, murder and capitol punishment. Most of the laws are informed by Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai by God as documented in (Exodus 20:16)
(Keathley) notes that American law is based on the Bible. He a further points out that there was a research undertaken over a period of ten years at the University of Houston to examine fifteen thousand documents from the founding leaders in America. The research found out that 34% of the quotations by these leaders came from the Bible which outnumbers any other source. Christian`s belief that the Bible offer objective, ultimate and absolute truth as noted by (Bradford 6). He argues that the truth from the Bible is superior to the relative truth that those who oppose the use of the Bible as the basis for law propose. (Bradford 6) notes that Noah Webster (1758 to 1853) proposed that moral principles and the precepts contained in the scriptures should form the basis of all the civil constitutions and laws. Noah Webster argued that the miseries and evils that men face from crime, vice, injustice, oppression, slavery and war result from the society neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.
In 1693 the first state constitution known as the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was written and the drafters of this document based every aspect of this constitution on the Bible as observed by (Bradford 6). He further noted that the use of the Biblical excerpts in the law offered consensus that meant that freedom could be achieved without chaos. (Bradford 6) observed that the government system in America is based on the rule of law which is borrowed from the Ten Commandments and Hebrew law. (Keathley) argues that the Bible brings advances the concept of the individual rights which are given by God. He observes that these rights are unalienable and they help to ensure that the life and dignity of all human kind is respected and upheld. (Bradford 8) notes that the founding fathers of the nation were aware that man is basically sinful. He thus observes that John Calvin who was a 16th Century protestant reformer and is associated with the biblical teachings of man`s inadequateness was the most influential person in drafting the Constitution of United States. He argues that with the realization of man`s weakness, the founders of the constitution built a system with checks and measures which he argue that they include legislative, executive and judicial arms of the government. This system has been replicated in most countries world over.
(Bradford 8) notes that all the presidents of United States have taken oath of office with a Bible which is a commitment to uphold the teachings of the Bible. He further observed that the presidents go further to give reference to God during their inauguration. (Tackett) notes that the constitutions of all the 50 states call on God for support. (Keathley) observed that in 1892 the United States Supreme Court ruled that America is a religious state and thus the use of the Bible as a basis in law was constitution. (Keathley) observes that this court also opens all the sessions with a declaration ‘God save the United States of America`. In the Declaration of Independence of America, Americans declare that ‘all men are created equal`. He notes that this brings about the concept of the universal human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration on Human rights. (Keathley) points that the declaration has its basis from the Bible in the book of (Gen 1:27) where the Bible stays that we are all created in God`s image and (1 Corinthians 12:13, and Galatians 3:28) further write that we are all equal in God`s sight. The Law based on the Bible goes further to condemn slavery since all men are equal. (Keathley) notes that (Psalms 33:12) the Bible advocates for nations to have God as their Lord, it is written; ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance.`
(Bradford 10) observes that the Bible has significant effect on the judicial system in the United States. He notes that there are books in United States that enforce punishment to murders, rapist, and those who assault, steal or lie. He points out that the source of these laws is direct from the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy and had been issued for the protection of the society. In the current society, these laws are also aimed at ensuring that there is peaceful co-existence among all humans.
The American judicial system has borrowed from the Bible laws that relate to bankruptcy as noted by (Bradford 11). In (Psalms 37:21) the Bible says that ‘the wicked borrows and does not pay back ….` In (Ecclesiastes 5:5) the Bible further condemn those who are become bankrupt and warns that it is better that one does not vow than vow and not fulfill. He also argues that the judicial system was informed by the teachings of the Bible which requires that before one is convicted in a court, there must be a witness to the crime. The Bible further warns witnesses against bearing false witness in (Exodus 20:16) which is the ninth commandments. Bearing of false evidence in courts by witness is deterred by ensuring that witnesses take oath before giving evidence in any case.
The present day laws that demand for fair weights for commerce have evolved from the Bible as observed by (Bradford 30). In (Proverbs 16:11 & Leviticus 19: 35-36), the Bible advocates for the use of the right standards when measuring length, weight or quantity for this is from the Lord.
Nations have also borrowed from the Bible formulating the laws to deal with divorce as (Bradford 36) observed. He writes that before 1970, divorce was granted in America when one spouse proved to the court that the partner was guilty of a sin or a crime such as adultery or abandonment. He argues that this is informed by teachings in the Bible in (Mathew 5:...
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