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Artificial Cloning

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According to Natural Law theorists, things that go against the natural order can be said to be unnatural. It also can be argued that those same things within the fabric of Natural Law Theory ought not to exist. If that is the case, then the creation of genetically modified organisms, cloning, and so forth could be labeled as immoral practices. With that being said, some scientists have considered cloning a Neanderthal baby. Do you think it would be ethical to do so? Offer an ethical defense for your position—as to whether or not a Neanderthal baby ought to be cloned. See the following link for further reading: http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2013/01/24/opinion/caplan-neanderthal-baby/index.html?hpt=hp_c3 GUIDELINES FOR ESSAYS: Papers should be no less than four full-pages in length. In addition, they should be typed as well as doubled-spaced. Avoid using online references like Wikipedia. Proper grammar and mechanics are extremely important, insofar as they add to the clarity of your argument(s)—however, essays that contain an excessive number of grammatical and semantic errors will receive a significant grade reduction. Lastly, plagiarism will not be tolerated, so make certain that your essays conform to a standard like MLA, APA, or The Chicago Manual of Style

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Cloning is the process of producing genetically identical copies of an organism. The material that is copied usually has the same genetic makeup like its original. Clones are the replica of this process. Clones can either happen naturally or artificially. In humans and other mammals, natural clones occur as identical twins. These are usually as a result of the splitting of a fertilized egg. There has not been any case of artificial cloning in humans. There are claims that with an adventurous woman, and fossils DNA, a Neanderthal baby would be cloned.
Artificial Cloning
This is the production of an exact replica of a given organism in the lab. There are three kinds of artificial cloning. Gene cloning is the production of copies of segments of DNA or copies of genes. Reproductive cloning is the production of copies of whole animals. Therapeutic cloning produces is the production of copies of embryonic stem cells purposed to be used in experiments, whose main aim is to create tissues for replacing diseased or injured tissues.
Cloning a Neanderthal baby
There have been issues raised about the possibility of cloning a Neanderthal baby. This was after a provocative suggestion by Prof Church, a renowned Harvard scientist, that a complete set of Neanderthal genes could be successfully split with the new genetic technology. According to Prof Church, the operation would involve artificially creating a replica of a Neanderthal DNA from the archived fossils and introducing the DNA into human stem cell lines.
I am particularly against the clone a Neanderthal baby because the benefits of venturing into such project will never, ever reach the point where it will surpass the many of horrible downsides that the action could bring. The following are some of the reasons why cloning a Neanderthal baby would not be acceptable despite the advantages that it would bring as stated by Prof Church.
The ethical side of the proposed process is that in can be used badly by malicious ill- mannered people. It can be used as a biological weapon against races. Microbes that only infect people who have certain genes can be created. These genes could be the ones that are associated with some racial groups. In the process of trying to make these microbes, one can murder all they want without fear of being condemned ethically.
Health problems to the surrogate mother
Though other mammals have been cloned before, it has always happened at a cost. Cloning is always accompanied by a lot of healthy problems. For instance, Dolly, the first known sheep to be cloned was the only one that survived among other twenty-nine sheep that were used for the experiment. This means that there is no guarantee that the surrogate mother, who will volunteer as the adventurous mother might not survive it. There might be need for other women to be sacrificed at the altar of creating a creature whose fate is not even known.
According to Knapp, the reality of the whole cloning process is that dozens of women might be required. When it comes to cloning, stillbirths and miscarriages cases are always inevitable, yet these have always involved other mammals rather than humans. In cases of humans, it means that these women who will be chos...
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