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Religion & Theology
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Religion &Theology: An Abrahamic Family Reunion ISRC 2016

Essay Instructions:

You will need to write a 2-page synopsis of what you hear and your thoughts on it. * Please check the flyer attached in order to know the general topic you will write about.

Family reunions can be opportunities for siblings born of the same parent to join together to share experiences and reflect upon what they continue to hold in common and where, over the years, their different paths have led them. Jews, Christians and Muslims are members of the Abrahamic family of faith since Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all claim descent from the family of Abraham, Hagar and Sarah. Yet despite their common origins, they have followed their separate paths, not always in ways that are respectful of one another. The UA Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture and its co-sponsors invite you to participate in this third session of “The Abrahamic Family Reunion.” The panelists will explore possible meanings of Adam and Eve’s transition from nakedness to being clothed as depicted in the Book of Genesis and the Quran.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course title:
Abrahamic Family Re-Union
The three religions namely Christianity, Islam and Judaism have many attributes in common. The first is that they are monotheist as they profess the existence of one Supreme Being; God. They all have a similar origin, referring to the story of creation and the events at the Garden of Eden. However, somewhere along the way, the three religions appear to part ways as each cultivates its own separate and unique path. Yet, the fact is that these three religions are ideally one (Fisher, 2011). How then can the three be reconciled so that they may have a common goal as opposed to seemingly fight and outdo each other? The Abrahamic Family Re-union seeks to explore possible ways of bringing the three religions together and thereby attaining reconciliation.
Areas of Departure
The three religions stem from the family of Abraham and Sarai. They have quite a number of aspects in common, yet they have taken different paths. The only sure way to bring reconciliation to the three religions is to identify the areas of departure. Identification of the areas of tussle will help in the reconciliation process. The three religions can be compared to children from the same parents. They can best be described as brothers of the same parents who cannot stand each other. One aspect that has seen the three religions part ways is superiority. It is as if the three religions are competing and each seeks to show that it is better than all others. When it comes to matters of God, religion and rivalry should never come in. Matters of understanding and logic do not apply to religion. Rather, it is more of believing without asking questions. As such, one way to bring about reconciliation among the three religions is to agree that no religion is superior to the ot...
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