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Argumentative reasoning Psychology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions

These are the steps.

Step 1: Write an overview of the main argument. This is the sub-argument that involves the main conclusion and the immediate supporting premise(s).

Step 2: Diagram the macro-structure and micro-structure of the argument with MindMUP. Numbered the claims in your passages if you want to easily refer to each. Export your diagrams and insert them in your paper. Much of step should already be done in that you've already diagrammed the main argument. The example videos go over how to split up the diagram and discuss it.

Step 3: Assess the language of the argument. This will involve noting instances of vagueness, ambiguity, emotional language, rhetorical questions, etc. Do any important terms in the argument need definition? Is there any specialized language that needs defining?

Step 4: Assess the argument's reasoning. Aside from step 2, this is the biggest step. This step involves two sub-steps:

Are the premises are acceptable? This means that you'll be testing every premise of your diagram that does not have an arrow going to it for acceptability. Cite acceptability/unacceptability conditions where relevant.

Does each arrow pass the sufficiency test? This means, for each arrow, you'll ask: Supposing the premise (or premises for the linked case), does that make the conclusion likely enough to accept? Are any fallacies are present?

Step 5: Weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the given argument. You should refer to step 4 to help with this assessment. What are the major weaknesses of the argument? What, if anything, could be done to strengthen the argument?

Be sure to not have one giant blob of text with the steps mixed together. Start a new paragraph (at least) for every step and give the reader (me) signposts for what you're doing (e.g., ``Now that we're done assessing the language of the argument, we'll move on to assessing the argument's reasoning.'').

There are two example pdfs

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Argumentative reasoning
Several people have given suggestions that Marijuana should be legalized in the United States (1). One reason as to why marijuana should be legalized lies in respect of the autonomy of the rights and freedom of American citizens (2). According to studies, around 55 million American adults use Marijuana for various purposes, which include around 43% of US college students (Bustamante, n.p) (3). They also suggest that prohibition prevents people in need of this drug from accessing therapeutic marijuana treatment, which ends up impacting minority groups and the susceptible population negatively (4). However, the opponents claim that the risks of legalizing marijuana could outweigh the benefits as it could be a risk to public health and civic disorder (5).
Evaluative Critique
Step 1: Summary of the main argument
The writer of this article argues that Marijuana should be legalized in the United States. The main driving reason for this argument is that studies show a majority of the adult population engage in the use of Marijuana for various purposes. The supporters also argue that the decision to use Marijuana is individual, and prohibiting its use becomes an infringement on the individual choices of the American citizen. The supporters also claim that many states have legalized the use of marijuana, which gives leeway to physiotherapists to prescribe Cannabis for medicinal purposes. The intended audience is majorly the adult age persons from the United States.
Step 2: Diagram
Sentence (1) “Several people have given suggestions that Marijuana should be legalized in the United States,” in the article is the main conclusion of the argument. The premises supporting the conclusion on why marijuana should be legalized lies in the sentence (2) which says "marijuana should be legalized due to respect for the autonomy of American citizens on their rights and freedom" and sentence (4) which states that “prohibition prevents people in need of this drug from accessing therapeutic marijuana treatment, leading to the impacting of minority groups and those susceptible,” with above premises emphasizing on sentence (3) which gives us the data supporting the main conclusion, “ around 55 million American adults use Marijuana for various purposes, which include around 43% of US college students”. The macro-structure of the above argument is simplistic in nature and can be depicted with the following diagram.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: The Macro-structure
In the microstructure, we portray the sub-arguments included in the given article. Two premises support premise (1). Premise (1) indicates that several people have given suggestions that Marijuana should be legalized in the United States. This argument is supported by premise (2) which indicates the use of cannabis as a choice (just like the use of alcohol), claiming that the prohibition of this choice infringes on citizen anatomy. Another reason to back this argument is in the sentence (4) – prohibition may prevent people in need of this drug from accessing therapeutic marijuana treatment, leading to the impacting of minority groups and those susceptible. These premises must work hand in hand since we understand that preventing the ability of American citizens to make a choice freely literally infringes on the rights and freedom in a supposedly liberal country. The legalization of marijuana should be made in a way to reflect the statutes on alcohol.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2: Microstructure
Premise (5) is unsupported. Sentence (2) indicates that the right of choice of the American citizen is important. It is supported by premise (3) which expounds more on the population that could benefit from the legalization of marijuana. These two examples...
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