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The Theme of Love in Sula by Toni Morrison

Essay Instructions:

Book: https://s3(dot)amazonaws(dot)com/scschoolfiles/112/sula-toni-morrison.pdf

Your literary analysis should be between 2 and 2 ½ pages (600 words), not including the Works Cited page, should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font and must meet the following criteria:

• A clearly articulated thesis that states, somewhere in your introduction, the assertion (position, interpretation) that your paper will prove

• An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

• At least two quotes from the novel itself that are integrated into your discussion

• At least two citations of outside sources (such as literary criticism on the novel). At least one source should come from the MDC databases. All sources must be academic.

• Topic sentences that focus the discussion of the body paragraphs

• Examples, details, explanations in the body paragraphs that clearly support your thesis

• Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs

• Proper MLA style format in the heading, in the in-text citations, and in the Works Cited page (see the template for the heading and margins in this lesson)

• Works Cited page includes articles from two sources and from the novel for a minimum of three total listed sources

• Standard usage, grammar, and mechanics

Topic: How and by whom is love expressed in the novel? In what ways does the love in the novel ease the suffering of the characters? How is love not enough to diminish the suffering of the characters? Answer the question by discussing at least two characters in the novel.

Thesis Statement:

In Toni Morrison’s “Sula”, the author focuses on the lives of Nel Wright and Sula Peace. We learnt dark truths in this work that strain the connection between the two heroes. Despite their long friendship, Nel and Sula's love was not communicated through their behaviors.

Works Cited

Charalambous, Heidi. “What to Do When Someone You Love Is Suffering.” NewSpring.Cc, 15 Nov. 2017, newspring.cc/articles/what-to-do-when-someone-you-love-is-suffering

"When suffering comes, the easy thing to do is to quit everything and focus on the problem at hand. You can spend every minute of every day researching treatments, reading blogs, weighing your options, and hiding from the world."

Gomila, Antoni. “Love, Friendship, and Moral Motivation: EBSCOhost.” Miami Dade College Database, American Psychological Association. 2021, 23 Dec. 2021, web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=3&sid=6a56b677-c8bb-459d-af2b-


"The love that we feel for our friends plays an essential role in both our moral motivation to act towards them; and in our moral obligations towards them, that is, in our special duties."

Morrison, Toni. Sula. Reprint, Vintage, 2004

"She had clung to New as the closest thing to both an other and a self, only to

discover that she and Newer not one and the same thing."


If they have to change the Thesis Statement is okay

Just something a bout the friend Despite their long friendship, Nel and Sula's love was not communicated through their behaviors.

it can be base only in that part

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Theme of Love in Sula by Toni Morrison
The Novel, Sula, delves into the confusion and indecisiveness surrounding the human choices arising from the absence of objective reality. One of the dominant themes in the novel is "love," especially between Sula Peace and Nel Wright, two friends having starkly contrasting ideas. This love is begotten from a long-standing friendship that the two have shared. A close study of the novel reveals that Sula and Nel love one another as friends, but they were reluctant to express their feelings due to their inability to recognize and picture their emotional bonding. This confusion leads them to hurt each other while being unable to leverage the potential of their friendship that could have had a soothing impact.
Since they first met, Sula and Nel are in a strange relationship. The oddity of their friendship lies in the fact that they subscribed to two different ideologies. While reading between the lines, it is clear that Sula and Nel such good friends that they can almost be considered as the best of friends due to the nature of their friendship, and the fact that they can maintain their relationship despite all the differences strengthens this feeling. Morrison expresses the depth of their connection in these words "So when they met, first in those chocolate halls and next through ropes of the swing, they felt the ease and comfort of old friends (Morrison 52)." Hence, their friendship accompanied a subtle sense of affection that, although, went unexpressed and unspoken, was genuine in its form.
The friendship between Sula and Nel has served as an escape from their miseries to a considerable extent. For instance, she was drawn to talk to Nel whenever Sula felt bored. Similarly, frequently, Sula cheers Nel up whenever she is feeling blue. The manner in which they responded to each other's miseries or sadness conforms to Charalambous's take on love, who argues that whenever suffering jumps in a relation, it is vital to shift the entire focus on that suffering and try to soothe each other. Friendship is one of the most powerful forms of love, and Sula and Nel were adept at pacifying each other using...
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