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The Theory of Affordances Psychology Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

In the meantime, take a few minutes to view the video on affordances, a foundational concept in the theory of perceptual development that we started learning last week. You can find the video here: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=UYlASVcirqQ

After you have seen the video – using Chapter 8 from the textbook by Patricia Miller – entitled Gibson’s Ecological Theory of Perceptual Development please answer the questions below:

1. Briefly define the term Affordance (two sentences maximum):

2. In the article titled The Theory of Affordances, Gibson writes:

“An import ant fact about the affordances of the environment is that they are in a sense objective, real, and physical, unlike values and meanings, which are often supposed to be subjective, phenomenal, and mental. But, actually, an affordance is neither an objective property nor a subjective property; or it is both if you like. An affordance cuts across the dichotomy of subjective- objective and helps us to understand its inadequacy. It is equally a fact of the environment and a fact of behavior. It is both physical and psychical, yet neither. An affordance points both ways, to the environment and to the observer (p.121).”

Essay Question: Using examples from your own life, or ones that you can come up with, describe what Gibson means when he says that “an affordance is… equally a fact of the environment and a fact of behavior. It is both physical and psychical, yet neither.” Your answer should be around 500 words long.

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The Theory of Affordance
Affordance is a perceptional relationship between the environment's functional properties and either the right or bad skills of an organism. Both human beings and animals perceive their surrounding in terms of what they can afford for behavioral consummation instead of their objective perceptual aspects. All species are made different and perceive the world using different adaptive ways. Other species relate among stimuli and analyze essential information in their environment. As such, Gibson mentions that affordances are relative to the animal. They are both psychical and physical, an epistemological aspect that yields exciting consequences. The claim that affordances are neither objective nor subjective shows neither the properties of the environment nor animals.
The first example of what Gibson implies with the statement relates to functional tones or qualities of objects. For instance, a tree serves many purposes depending on the type of species that use it. It can act as a shelter for a Lion, an eagle, and it can also act as a hunting ground for a lizard. A tree acts as an egg-laying ground for a beetle and vital raw material for the forester. Gibson implies that multiple species confront various objects which they relate to and transform into meaning carriers when in a relationship with the subject (Miller 121).
Another example is when an angry dog barks at a child who immediately picks a stone along the country road to drive it away. To chase the...
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