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Summary of What is Known from the Literature on Anxiety, Stress, and Coping

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answer two questions, five page each.

please read carefully the instructions and follow it. i will upload my notes, and a website for the textbook, and readings.

please contain materials from all those three resources to answer each question

NOT_E: Please prepare each ans.wer as a separate short essay-exam response. Both Word docs should begin with a head1 g of your nme, the question #, and your essay title; make sure to name the me itself with your name and the questo #. Submit your exam   y uploading each essay to its respective "Take-Home Essay Exam _ Q#" subm1ss1on page (under the Assignments tab of the Brigbtspace site for Personality).  Once uploaded Turnitin will check your exam for plagiarism, so please make sure to express everything in your own words.                                                                                                                                  '

1.    Consider how social cognition is relevant to people's responses (a) to other people and to the self, and (c) to their own affective (and mood) states.  Once you've done this, highlight the relevance of each of the above to personality. When considering responses to others and to the self, make sure to include the social-cognitive process of transference and the CAPS model as two of the several examples you use, and consider how they are related to each other. Inaddition, when responding to each component of this question, consider what cognitions or mental representations are relevant, what underlying processes are as well (including from the findings ofleaming theory), and what correlates and consequences.

Summarize what is known (a) from the literature on anxiety, stress,and coping; and (b) from the literature on depression.  Please include for each of these domains the relevant correlates, underlying processs,and consequnces. Finally, (c) point out variables or processes that are similar across these two types of responses (i.e.,these domams) and the variables or processes that seem to distinguish them.

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Question 2: Summarize What Is Known
* From the literature on anxiety, stress, and coping
The literature uses the Diathesis stress model to explain stress, factors that influence stress, and strategies to overcome stress. Stress is perceived as a state of hopelessness where people experience mental challenges (Miller 72). The literature classifies stress as a major mental health problem that results in long-term mental problems such as depression. It also depicts that prolonged stress causes depression. An interaction between diathesis and stress predictors increases the feelings of hopelessness among individuals, causing prolonged stress (Miller 76). The Diathesis stress model classifies early feelings of hopelessness with anxiety and stress. According to the model, increased feelings of anxiety lead to increased feelings of hopelessness, which in turn causes stress (Silver 280). Short-term factors such as negative interactions and outcomes cause feelings of helplessness which cause anxiety and stress. An example of a factor that causes anxiety is academic failure. Failure to accomplish academic goals causes people to develop feelings of hopelessness from disappointment. This causes stress as they attempt to overcome it.
Rumination is also a significant factor in anxiety and stress. The state of rumination exposes people to a poor mental state, which increases their risk of anxiety and stress (Silver 272). People who experience rumination may constantly worry about specific things like important upcoming events, past experiences, and fears about their lives. The constant thoughts and worrying about past, present, and future activities cause anxiety, which in turn, brings about stress (Miller 80). The state of rumination also contributes to stress and anxiety by influencing people to focus on their fears, such as the fear of failure, safety concerns for themselves and those around them, and fears about events that have not happened yet. This also contributes to feelings of hopelessness, further contributing to a lasting state of stress and anxiety.
Two variables, rumination and support system, contribute to stress and anxiety. Rumination increases stress and anxiety by creating a mental imbalance for affected individuals. Rumination destabilizes mental status by increasing fear, doubt, trust issues, and negative memories among people with anxiety (Miller 72). Rumination influences these individuals to focus and worry about negative factors, experiences, and thoughts. This increases the risk of anxiety with a higher risk of progression to stress (Fiske 59). On the other hand, support systems help to reduce the risk of the progression of anxiety, stress, and depression. Positive support systems help to reduce stress hormones while also reducing tension among people with anxiety.
The use of cognitive therapy provided under Beck’s cognitive model also helps alleviate anxiety symptoms (Silver 286). The therapy helps to eliminate negative thoughts that cause anxiety by replacing these thoughts with positive thoughts. This therapy is also often accompanied by physical techniques, such as breathing exercises that promote a calming effect.
b) From the literature on depression
The literature relates depression to attributional changes in behaviors that arise from learned helplessness. It also relates depression to vulnerability factors where stress advances from attributions to failure, progressing to depression. As the Diathesis of stress factors interact, individuals experience increased anxiety and stress levels, leading to depression. According to the model, long-term factors influence depression (Silver 284). The Diathesis outlines a direct relationship between increased feelings of hopelessness and depression. An example of a factor that could result in depression is the loss of a parent. An individual who losses a parent or close relative experiences hopelessness and stress at the onset of the loss. However, over time, the feeling progresses to depression due to a lack of a solution to the problem and loss. The model, therefore, defines depression as a mental issue that begins with anxiety and stress and progresses to depression over time.
The moderator variables defined by the Diathesis of stress model include the variables that outline the vulnerability of an individual on a certain stress or depression model. The variables also define the stress ...
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