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Social Psychology in the Movie Dr. Strange Love

Essay Instructions:

Pop Culture Application Essay. Please write a 2 page essay in which you identify some aspect of social psychology in pop culture (e.g., a movie, a television show, a song lyric, etc.; worth 10 points).

Describe one specific concept discussed in class and/or covered in the readings (in the first paragraph of your essay) and then explain how it is addressed or illustrated in the movie, show, song, etc. (in the remainder of the essay); do so in a thoughtful, precise, and concise way. Please use 1 inch margins all around, Times New Roman, 12 point, double spaced; use the full two pages, but no more. Your essay will be graded using the following guidelines:

Turned in on time (2 points), correct format and length (2 points), clearly and correctly describes class/reading concept (2 points), clearly describes movie/show/song/etc. (2 points), and clearly and correctly describes link between class/reading concept and movie/show/song/etc. (2 points). I will read one or two exemplary essays to the class (with the author’s permission and time permitting).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pop Culture Application
Pop Culture Application
Social psychology can be described as the study of social situations and their influence on society. Stereotypes and social influence are two entities that are reflected in "Dr. Strange Love," a movie that was released in 1964. Psychologically, personal influence is usually contributed by the community or cultural influence. Community influence is characterized by language and individual thoughts, which lead to social influence. Additionally, the movie is also accompanied by several aspects of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is when an individual decides to change their thoughts and beliefs, making them different from others in society. "Dr. Strange love" movie is motivated by personal life and the aspect portrayed in the film. For example, the actor emphasizes how he stopped worrying about love and his actions to overcome the problem. The actor goes ahead sarcastically to illustrate how he overcame the problem of love to build a bomb.
The aspect of overriding own beliefs and desires is cognitive dissonance. Moreover, it is an aspect of popular culture, and it has a great influence on the people involved. In this case, an individual's behavior is distracted and changed completely by other factors of influence (Deaux, Kay, and Snyder, 2018). For example, the movie illustrates the actor leaving his desires and influence to engage in a different activity. The aspect of abandoning the thrill to have a successful love life to building a bomb reflects dissonance. It is a method of establishing justification and letting people pursue their happiness. Pop culture was created for people and not from people, as seen in the movie. Unfortunately, a lot of things have changed in the modern world, and people are being influen...
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