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Racism, Discrimination, and Social Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

General Directions:

You must divide the paper in to the following sections or headings (Roman numerals), or it will not be accepted.

Please write a minimum of 750 words in which you accomplish the following:

I. Definitions

A. Define racism.

B. Define discrimination.

And cite your sources for each within the text of your paper and in the sources section, using APA style, in both places.

II. Psychological Concepts


(The 5 concepts below are the ONLY ones you may apply to your example below.)

And cite your sources for each within the text of your paper and in the sources section, using APA style, in both places.

1. Ethnocentrism

2. Fundamental attribution error

3. Learned helplessness

4. Self-fulfilling prophecy

5. Victim Blaming

III. Example

A. Describe an example of racism and/or discrimination from the media. DO NOT USE personal experience, or that of someone you know.

1. Apply at least two of the five concepts above to that experience, AND CLEARLY EXPLAIN EACH CONCEPT HOW THAT CONCEPT IS EVIDENCED IN YOUR EXAMPLE.

IV. Social Responsibility

A. Define social responsibility. And cite your sources for each within the text of your paper and in the sources section, using APA style, in both places.

B. Reflect on and specify what social responsibility means to you personally.

C. Determine and list (specifically) at least 3 ways in which you can be socially responsible in regards to matters of race and/or discrimination.

D. Summarize the personal and societal benefits of being socially responsible.

V. Sources

Use at least 3 reliable sources to research these concepts. You should start with your textbook since you are looking to LEARN these concepts before you can apply them. Your text can be included in your three required sources. You should then watch my video in the Media Gallery for help understanding these concepts. This lecture can also be used as one of your sources. You may use magazines and newspapers and other media sources. Remember that you have to learn these concepts, so go to sites that teach the concept. Journal articles are not usually helpful in doing that. For definitions, most .org websites are good, and any .edu site will be good. You can also use psychological sites such as:

http://psychcentral(dot)com/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www(dot)psychologytoday(dot)com/us (Links to an external site.)

https://www(dot)spring(dot)org(dot)uk/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www(dot)simplypsychology(dot)org/ (Links to an external site.)

DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA (ever, in college).



Provide your sources in APA style (the Citation Machine will put things in APA style for you (http://www(dot)citationmachine(dot)net/)

Other General Directions:

Do not plagiarize your work. Cite your sources within the text of your paper, next to the definition, in APA style. Use quotes when necessary.

Your paper will be automatically processed through Turn It In when you submit it, but you must give your permission by checking the required box (agreeing to their terms).

Turn It In report should be under 12%. If it is higher, there is probably something you should put in quotes.

EXACT requirements for paper headings are included in the grading rubric for this assignment. ASSIGNMENTS WITHOUT THE APPROPRIATE HEADINGS (Roman numerals) WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Racism, Discrimination, & Social Responsibility
Due Date
Racism, Discrimination, & Social Responsibility
* Definitions
* Define Racism
Racism is defined as prejudice, exclusion, or preference that is based upon someone’s race, color, or ethnic origin. The goal of racism is to nullify an individual’s right to receive fair treatment and equal footing of one’s rights, including political, social, cultural, and economic rights (OHCHR, 2005).
* Define Discrimination
Discrimination entails the prejudice or exclusion on the basis of one’s differences. For example, these differences could include race, sex/gender, sexual orientation, disability, language, class, among other factors.
* Psychological Concepts
1 Ethnocentrism
Ethnocentrism entails the aspect of asserting or affirming the superiority of one’s ethnic group (King, 2019). It does not seek to celebrate differences but to affirm the superiority of one’s group superiority over others. Ethnocentrism contributes to the aspects of discrimination or racism by promoting the idea that a certain group of people are better than others and hence deserve better treatment than their counterparts.
2 Fundamental attribution error
This error entails the aspect of focusing on the internal factors or attributes that explain a person’s actions while neglecting the external factors or attributes that might have contributed or forced the action out of a person (King, 2019). The fundamental attribution error shifts focus to internal features that could have led to a behavior. For example, a person could be said to have behaved in a certain way because they are black but not because of the systemic racism that pervades a community.
3 Learned helplessness
Learned helplessness is a mental state. It entails the aspect of putting up with or becoming unwilling to fight or free oneself from a situation that is oppressive even though one is considered capable. One attains this mental state after being forced to put up with the unpleasant situation for a long time. A situation that relates with racism and discrimination entails the aspect of black parents having to teach their children how to behave while in the presence of police officers even though they are right or have not done anything wrong.
4 Self-fulfilling prophecy
A self-fulfilling prophecy entails a positive or negative expectation about something that affects how a person’s behaves which further leads to the actualization of the pre-conceived expectations. For example, if a black man is driving and sees a police officer’s car, a majority expect to be stopped, and often are stopped even though they may not have done anything wrong. This explains the discrimination based on race and color that happens on the roads.
5 Victim blaming
This phrase entails the aspect of finding fault in a victim of an incident. This often happens in rape cases where a lady is deemed to have contributed in part to an atrocious act like rape. Contributes to the phenomena of discrimination because it posits that something happens because...
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