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Essay 4: Lost Connections John Hari. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Essays:  Construct two (2) essays which address the main points for four of the following questions.  Feel free to be as creative as you would like.  However, do not lose focus on what the question is asking.  I want to see that you understand the material and can think about it (and apply it) in a critically meaningful manner. (100 points total). 
1- Mary is a 38-year-old accountant who recently sought out a psychologist because she was experiencing problems at work and in her personal life.  She reported that her co-workers and family members have complained about some of her recent behaviors.  These behaviors have negatively impacted her ability to complete work assignments and also interfered with routines and relationships at home.  Mary acknowledges that she can be “very specific” when completing a task.  She has noticed that she has become increasingly anxious when performing certain tasks, even relatively simple ones.  Mary stated that she recognizes that she can become fearful that she will make small but critical mistakes in her work and fears that the consequences will be severe (e.g., a fire in the kitchen, a significant loss of money due to balance book errors).  To ensure that she has not made any mistakes, Mary has started to review/repeat almost all of her work multiple times. This has created many issues with her being able to complete assigned work on time and also interfered with her family and social relationships.  When confronted, she becomes defensive and argumentative.  She reported that others do not recognize the potential harm and severity of any possible mistakes, and that the only way to be sure that she has not made any errors is to review/repeat her work multiple times.  The psychologist diagnosed Mary and recommended a treatment plan.  What diagnosis do you think she was assigned?  Please explain why.  Also, please discuss a type of treatment(s) that can be employed to help Mary with these issues. Please be sure to include references to specific techniques that the psychologist can utilize to help Mary.
2- John has been in psychotherapy for about six months.  He sought out help because he has been experiencing a number of issues that were impacting his life, including work, family, and social engagements.  Over the last several years, John reported that his relationships with co-workers, friends, and family members have suffered. He stated that some individuals informed him that his behavior was “too erratic”, and they stopped socializing with him. John believed that this stemmed from a handful of incidents, including times when he suggested spontaneous trips to Las Vegas and insisting friends place large bets on several sporting events that were “sure things.”  There were also several instances where John had conflicts with a number of friends due to his making sexually inappropriate comments and advances.  More recently, John indicated that he has lost interest in socializing with his friends and has also been less interested in engaging in activities with his family that all had previously enjoyed.  John reports often feeling disinterested in things and feeling irritable or “down.”  While previously active and athletic, John no longer exercises and has stopped playing sports with friends.  He also noted that his sleep patterns have changed and that he seems poorly motivated at work.  John has begun to wonder if life is worth living at all.  What diagnosis do you think John’s therapist assigned to him?  Explain why?  Please discuss the types of treatment(s) John may receive and how concerns with his expressing that life may not be worth living should be addressed.
3- Jimmy is a third-grade student who is having issues in school.  While all agree that he is a bright and well-informed child, he has started having difficulties in a number of areas.  School staff and his parents agreed that he has always struggled socially.  However, he is now experiencing some challenges in work, especially with material that is more conceptual in nature.  Jimmy is a bright and well-spoken child who can often present with very advanced information about highly technical issues. However, he is now struggling with work that is more conceptual in nature.  Metaphors, analogies, and material requiring that he identify and explain the motivations and behaviors of characters in stories has been problematic.  He also struggles with more independent and less-structured worktime in the class.  Unexpected transitions can be very upsetting and will undermine his ability to start new assignments.  He can become argumentative and insistent that the teacher adhere to a consistent daily schedule.  Social problems are also becoming more of a concern.  While Jimmy was always described as a child who preferred to engage in solitary play, he could be receptive to times when his peers would invite him into a play activity.  Jimmy typically accepted if it was a game that he enjoyed. If not, he would often ignore their requests to insist that they engage in one of his preferred activities.  More recently, peers have become upset with Jimmy because he has made inappropriate social comments to them.  When confronted, Jimmy seems genuinely confused and does not to understand why his statements would be seen as upsetting or offensive.  The parents, teachers, and school psychologist met to discuss Jimmy’s performance.  What diagnosis, if any, do you think was suggested by the psychologist?  Please explain your reasoning.  Please comment on what, if any, supports can be initiated to help Jimmy.
4- In Lost Connections, Hari discusses his experiences with Depression.  He also reviews the research that has conducted with people who suffer from Mood Disorders and the treatments they receive. What is unique about his approach?  That is, what is Hari’s basic thesis and how may it differ from the conventional understandings of Depression?  Please cite (use correct APA formatting) examples and information from his book which support your points.  Hari’s ideas regarding the causes of Depression and treatments differ considerably to the information presented in the textbook. How? Please cite examples from his book in your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay 4: Lost Connections John Hari
Student's NameInstitutionCourseProfessorDate Essay 4: Lost Connections John HariIn Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions, John Hari gives an insightful evaluation of the depression and alienation prevalent in contemporary American society. The insights presented through the text can benefit everyone who wants to learn about psychology. It is both therapeutical and transformative. It has very extensive probing and insights that mirror people's diverse experiences with depression and unexpected solutions. Hari's approach takes us through a thrilling adventure across the world. Many unique concepts assist people in seeing depression differently. The narration is a brave revelation of how people suffering from depression feel. He offers rich wisdom and probing thoughts about depression. We can understand from the book that everyone has the potential to experience life in a better and healthier way. Through the journey of transformation, we see how different people have coped with the condition. He also uses research to back up his analysis. I perceive Hari is making every person think differently about their moods (Hari, 2020).In contemporary American society, depression and mood disorders are prevalent. The experience and insights from different studies also give people important information on ways they can deal with mood disorders. While the book has scientific insights, we can say that it does not offer much about science. It is a book about society, with riveting stories concerning mood disorders. It is a quest to transform how people understand depressed people and what we can do to help people suffering from mental illnes...
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