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Implicit Association Test. Test Biasness. Psychology Essay

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i dont know he want APA or MLA format. can you double check it for me in the PDF. thanks


Implicit Association Test (IAT) - Introduction to Psychology (Keen) Your task Go to https://implicit(dot)harvard(dot)edu/implicit/selectatest.html. Under “Project Implicit Social Attitudes”, Click on “Go” (to continue as a guest). There are a variety of tests to choose from, and you should feel free to choose any of the various implicit attitude tests except the Presidents IAT. From this point forward, you just need to follow the instructions on the screen. You’ll be asked to answer a few questions up front, though the most important part is taking the actual test. After you finish the test you will be given a brief statement summarizing your results. Write down this summary statement so that you can include it with your assignment! Now that you’ve completed the test, answer the questions below. In order to answer these questions you will need to first read about explicit and implicit attitudes in section 12.5 of the textbook. 1. What bias, if any, did the test indicate that you had? Give your test results summary statement. Does this finding conflict with your explicit attitudes? (e.g., would you say you are not biased toward young people, but the test says that you are slightly biased?) 2. Although explicit and implicit attitudes are often the same, in many cases they are not (a person will have an implicit attitude or bias that does not match up with their stated explicit attitude). Where do explicit and implicit attitudes come from? Where does a person get their explicit attitudes (what influences their development)? Where do they get their implicit attitudes? Do they come from the same places? If so, why can they end up being different? 3. To what extent do you believe hidden biases affect our everyday behavior? Explain your answer, providing specific examples of how biases affect our everyday behavior and interactions (or specific arguments against this). Total: 30 points Below expectations 0 1 Average 2 3 Excellent 4 Question 1 5 points 1. The test results are not clearly stated; difficult to understand 2. Does not address whether the findings conflict with the explicit attitude. 1. The test results are clear, but not presented in a complete sentence. 2. Gives a yes/no answer regarding conflict. 1. The test results are clearly presented in a complete sentence. 2. States, in at least one complete sentence, the explicit attitude and whether the IAT results conflict with this. Question 2 15 points 1. Does not provide a logical, clearly written response. 2. Does not give an explanation for the response (e.g., says both are real without elaborating) 1. Answer clearly states the student’s position. 2. The student explains why s/he feels the way s/he does. 1. Answer is clear, logical, and wellwritten. 2. The student explains in detail, using an example, why the student feels the way s/he does. 3. The student accounts for how a person’s IAT can conflict with their explicit attitude, without simply saying the test is invalid. Question 3 10 points 1. Does not provide a logical, clearly written response. 2. Does not give an explanation for the response (e.g., says biases affect us each day with no elaboration) 1. Answer clearly states the student’s position. 2. The student explains why s/he feels the way s/he does. 1. Answer is clear, logical, and wellwritten. 2. The student explains in detail, using at least one specific example, why s/he feels the way s/he does.

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Implicit Association Test
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Implicit Association Test
Test Biasness
The test results from the implicit association test show a moderate automatic preference for the young people over old people. The results indicate that the response was faster when good and young people were put in the same category. The subconscious part of the brain responded faster when the good characteristics are linked with the young people which shows that the implicit attitude has a bias towards connecting the young people with good traits.
Conversely, when the bad characteristics were associated with the young people, the response was slow because of the conflict with the subconscious thinking. The IAT results were in conflicts with the explicit attitude towards the young and the old people. The reason is that I have the same preference for young and old people.
The Origin of the Explicit and Implicit Attitudes
It is very common for attitude to exist at two different levels. The explicit attitudes are those attitudes that are present at the conscious level (Nolen-Hoeksema, Fredrickson & Loftus, 2009; Spielman, 2014). Explicit attitudes are deliberately formed and easily reported. However, implicit attitudes form at the unconscious level, are involuntary and most of the times are unknown to the individual who possesses them.
The explicit attitudes form and come from the conscious level, and they mainly manifest the conscious believes that people have over other people, circumstances or situations. These attitudes are voluntary, and they are determined by personal values (Nolen-Hoeksema, Fredrickson & Loftus, 2009; Spielman, 2014). For example, a person may believe that all people are good and equal whether young or old. The concept comes f...
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