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Based on the following proposal just write a paper that is related to what is mention on this proposal. Purpose The purpose of this proposal is to explain the future plans for vertical farming. According to projected statistics the world population will grow to 9.1 billion during the year 2050 and the demand for food will grow about 70% and currently there is a very big unknown on how the world is going to survive during the future era. One of the solutions that are currently being developed is a revolutionary idea called Vertical Farming. The main idea is to create a vertical building filled with floors with fields and orchards using hydroponics. Currently the world is running out of horizontal land and very soon won't have any. Cities are also the most populated areas of the world and where the most people live, and the transportation and production of food is currently very slow compared to the future that a waist us. The main idea for my paper is better elaborate on how the vertical farming is going to be an actual possibility and a suitable solution to the food administration in the year 2050. The Problem Will Urban Farming Revolutionize Sustainable Food Production? A Solution to the Problem - Vertical Farming - Plantagon Vertical Farm ( Currently being build) - Availability to produced food on a large scale in a city. - Easier transportation - Faster Production - Greenhouse effect. - Developing Green Areas underground. (The low line) Staffing and Timeline FURTHER INVESTIGATION IS NEEDED Costs Risks and Mitigation Conclusion This presentation is important because the availability of food is becoming a problem as a result of overpopulation and degradation of farmlands. As cities are becoming more populated. I want to further investigate this subject because im very passionate about learning how the to solve real life problems that would help our future Generations.
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(19th April, 2012)
Will Urban Farming Revolutionize Sustainable Food Production
One billion people are starving. Today, 25,000 people will die from malnutrition. The global farm yield is currently growing by 1.1% a year. Before 1990 it was increasing at 2.0% a year. The United Nation`s Food and Agriculture organization projects that the growth will continue to fall. On the other hand, the human population is steadily increasing. The world`s farmers will have to double their output by 2050 to meet the demand. Current farming techniques are ruining the environment, and not enough arable land remains to feed a projected 9.5 billion people by 2050. A revolutionary concept promises that in one-square-block farm 30 stories high could yield as much food as 2,400 outdoor acres, with less subsequent spoilage.
In a city like New York, space is too limited for serious farming, that a sustainable urban food system seems impossible. The Science Barge, a new urban farming experiment in New York, is bringing local food production closer than ever. The Barge, a floating greenhouse, demonstrates how urban space, can be used to cultivate. Self-powered by alternative energy sources, it uses computer technology and hydroponics (urban agricultural technique) to grow fruits and vegetables using much less water and space than field farming.
Apart from the barge which shows us how to utilize rooftops, we also have vertical farming. It is a way to grow food in an increasingly urbanized world. As food security becomes an issue, traditional farming methods will not be able to keep pace. Some estimate that more than 80percent of the land available for farming is in use. If organic and permacultural methods are used, there may be decreased productivity, further decreasing the ability of traditional agriculture to keep up with food needs.
Vertical farming is an idea that has existed through the 50s. it involves cultivation of plants on vertically inclined surfaces such as buildings. Advocates of vertical farming claim that it is environmentally and economically viable. The method allows for greater productivity near the source of consumption on a year round basis. It may also reduce the pressure on already environmentally degraded ecosystems and be flexible enough to handle climate changes caused by global warming. The amount of uncertainty in traditional agricultural food production because of climate changes is very great. This increases the amount of risk to food se...
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