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Essay Instructions:
Please see attachment for the essay requirement, and the website. http://www(dot)storyofstuff(dot)org/movies-all/story-of-stuff/ Description: Analysis and Response Essay Introduction to the Assignment: “stuff”: (1)The material out of which something is made or formed; substance. (2) informal: unspecified material; worthless objects. American Heritage Dictionary There are all kinds of stuff: good stuff, the right stuff, too much stuff. Our lives are filled with stuff. Do we have too much stuff? According to Annie Leonard in The Story of Stuff, Americans' desire for stuff results in our consuming 1/3 of the world's resources, even though we make up only 5% of the population. Assignment: Think about how stuff impacts our lives. Watch the video clip. determine the central premise. Conduct a brief analysis, considering what rhetorical devices the video uses to argue and support its central premise and associated claims and the effectiveness of these rhetorical devices. In the process, identify at least two claims made in the video and fact-check these claims with credible sources. Finally, explain the extent to which you were or were not convinced by the video's argument. Essay specifications: - Minimum 4 pages, typed in 12-point font, double-spaced with standard 1” margins - MLA style (no cover page) - Include a Works Cited page and parenthetical in-text documentation, citing 2-4 sources. - Use at least three specific references to the video to support your argument Research: You will be required to do some research to support your argument. You must include four credible sources in your essay. Audience: Since your audience will be your instructor and other members of the class, you will not have to summarize the work. However, you will be required to cite specific examples from the text/video as you make the points of the argument.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The stuff
It is possible to use the word stuff in different ways to mean make different meaning. One of the formal meanings refers to whatever material makes up something. Informally it could also mean something that is not of considerable worth. The story of the stuff by Annie Leonard is composed in a video that is not more than twenty minutes. This video has reached out to millions of viewers across the continents. On the official website, the video is in more than ten different languages, ensuring an even wider audience. In the 2010, Annie released a book on the same title, which goes deeper into her theme of sustainable environmental management, through responsible resources use (The economist).
The central premise in the story by Annie is sustainable resources use. In the video, she says that we have too much stuff, where most of this stuff is toxic. She takes us through the chain of production, vividly explaining the dangers associated with it. According to Annie the chain of production, which people know, and trust that is safe but, it is not as safe as it is made to look like on paper. The system is linear, but the world is finite it, therefore, means it is a system in crisis, as it cannot run indefinitely without crushing us. At the current rates, we are using too much stuff that we can rejuvenate back to its original state (Simon & Schuster). The amount of natural resources (only two thirds are left) is shrinking by the day as more developments come up. Even though the USA makes up less the six percent of the world population, it contributes to more than thirty percent to the world’s waste generation. The United States use up more than forty percent of the world resources, and this is a truly alarming rate of resources depletion. She argues that people buy stuff that they do not need, then throwing them away because they think those stuff are obsolete. Then work harder to buy newer stuff that they do not even have time to enjoy. All of which, are at the expense of their health, social injustice and the environment (Simon & Schuster).
One of the rhetorical devices, which Annie has used largely in the video, is the story of the stuff. In the video, she talks about how the United States is using up too many resources at an alarming rate (Dailywritingtips). She creates the irony of how the people of the world would need an extra three to five planets, if all the people consumed at the same rate the United States were using the natural resources in the world. She uses this device further when she refers to the fact that the developed countries like the USA take upon themselves to use resources from other countries in the world, which are not doing well economically. In a statement, she talks about how USA uses up resources in the developing countries, because it is theirs but somehow on someone else’s land. To reduce the amount of pollution that the economy in the USA is exposing its citizens to; the government moves the factories to other countries so as to pollute elsewhere, but ironically the polluted air still finds its way back to the United States as it is carried in the wind. The pictorial representations in the video are mostly ironic, for example, when illustrating who the government is manipulated the corporate sector t...
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