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Ozone or no zone for living: impact of global growth vs. the environment

Essay Instructions:
Instruction: The current recessionary pressures on our economy (we need more jobs please) are also placing pressure on our environmental outlook. Choose a topic below and write a paper on the impact of global growth vs. the environment. I have chose the \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Ozone or No zone for living\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" topic The essay will relate to climate change, Canadian and International Climate/Environmental Policy Authentic and substantial research (quality research of at least 2-3 good sources) Listing of sources Structure your essay - Opening -> Body -> Conclusion Double spaced
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ozone or no zone for living: impact of global growth vs. the environment
Ozone has three oxygen atoms. It can be said to be an air pollutant when on lower atmosphere leading to adverse effects on the respiratory systems of human beings and animals and also destroy sensitive plants by fire. However, the ozone in the upper atmosphere is useful in that it prevents electromagnetic radiations which are harmful from reaching the earth. The ozone later becomes a green house gas when it is in the upper troposphere. Concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to global warming (O’Hare, 112). This paper will basically address the potential problems caused by global warming in the contemporary world.
High population growth has adversely affected the climate due to global warming (Birdsall, 76). Global warming is brought about by people burning fossil fuels to get power for their industries. Increased population means high demand for fuels and this fuel when burnt, carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere and mixes with warm air and form green house gas. The United States is ranked third in terms of population and the population is expected to rise even more by 2050. For Canada, environmental analysts have described it as far stable that it is USA in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. As population increases, the environment is affected in that the high number of people will compete over the scarce resources.
In addition, Mendelsohn (p.79) states that the high population has led to establishment of more industries to care for their needs. Due to industrialization, the environment have been affected much as these industries mostly direct their wastes in rivers and lakes hence endangering the lives of water animals and also leads to infections among people who consume water or use it for their domestic purposes. The waste gases from industries also pollute the environment and this adversely affects the climate. When these gases are emitted to the atmosphere, they form acid rain which is harmful to plants.
However, some countries use fuel from trees. Due to high populations, trees have been felled in big numbers and bearing in mind that tress attract rain, there will experience dry spells due to cutting down of trees (Birdsall, 100) There is a link between climatic change and depletion of the ozone. Ozone have an impact on climate change because the higher the ozone in the atmosphere, the more the heat that is retained and vice versa. The high population has led to increased urbanization as people look for employment in industries in major industrial towns. This influx of people in urban areas cause global warming due to emission of harmful gases to the atmosphere in a bid to look for means of survival.
Canadian Environmental Policy states that efforts to lessen greenhouse gases are crucial in attainment of international goals. The concentration of gases which trap heat in the atmosphere, emitted through industrialization and high demand for energy has increased the green house effect that finally leads to change in climate. Climate change affects the lives of people due to food scarcity, change in disease patterns...
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