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Global Warming-NASA

Essay Instructions:
In your Journal, write a brief, one to two page report (300 to 400 words) giving your views on the following topic: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that Earth will warm between two and six degrees Celsius over the next century. The range in estimate comes from running different emission scenarios through several different global climate models. Scenarios that assume that people will burn more and more fossil fuel provide the estimates in the top end of the temperature range, while scenarios that assume that greenhouse gas emissions will grow slowly give lower temperature predictions. The lower range provides an estimate of what global temperatures would have been if greenhouse gases had stayed at year 2000 levels. Referring to the Global Surface Warming graph under How Much More Will Earth Warm on the NASA – Earth Observatory Web Site on Climate Change, which path do you think the world will follow and why: constant CO2 growth, low growth, moderate growth or high growth? And do you think that, if the world population (political leaders, industry leaders and citizens) had a better understanding of the potential tipping elements and their consequences, they would make the necessary changes to reduce their CO2 emissions? Give reasons for your predictions. The NASA graph is copied below (©2007 IPCC WG1 AR-4.): IPCC
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Global Warming-NASA
NASA Scientists asserts that global warming is a reality and that heat waves and droughts prove the observations. Perceptions of climate change indicates that global warming results from the abnormal climate extremes that are influenced by the human activities (Hansen para 6). Scientists warn that global warming will continue to occur in the decades to come calling on devising models of mitigating global warming (Mallon 101).
Intergovernmental Panel on changes in climate has the views that the global warming will increase by two to six degrees in the next one century. Assuming that people will continue to burn more and more fuels from the fossil. The changes in the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere influence the climatic changes. Global warning will continue to create deserts in the earth (Spencer 121). This is by the fact that global warming influence the water channels and the patterns of the precipitation (Hansen para 2). If human beings do not develop models of addressing global warming, then the earth will be inhabitable in centuries to come. The production of t...
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