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Widening Gap between Genders and Gender Discrimination in the Fields of Work

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Article Reflection
The articles, ‘When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women’ by Justin Wolfers, and ‘Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ʻGreedyʼ’ by Claire Cain Miller, focus their messages on the issue of the widening gap between genders and gender discrimination in the fields of work specifically in research, employment environments and the overall gender roles. In the article, Wolfers ‘When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women’ focuses on the numerous practices of women and the fact that in case of a successful research in the field of economics, overall credits will be given according to genders (01). This notion implies that if a woman works on a research with a man, the latter will be given more credits than the former deeming women as just secondary assistants in the project. In the article, ‘Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ʻGreedyʼ’, Miller describes the account that women work similar long hours as men do but at the end of the day, women are expected to their others roles attended (01). These roles include doing home chores, taking care of the children and attending to the whole family without help and concern. The author further states that even after such activities, women still get paid a less amount of money or wage count compared to men.
The two articles are connected to economics in a number of ways. The article, ‘When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women’ states that economics, for a long period of time, has been a profession known for its male dominance (Wolfer 01). This is a concept that the members of the profession and other related professions have made attempts to understand but to no avail. The text also relates to economics in the marketplace and research aspect that collaborative projects in economics yield biased credits and acknowledgement with women falling in to the less appreciated group. Similarly, the article, ‘Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ʻGreedyʼ’ states that women working long hours in the view of building their own and the economy of the nation, leads to the widening of the gap between genders, gender discrimination and creation of gender role stereotypes (Miller 04).
To a large extent, I agree with the author of ‘When Teamwork Doesn’t Work for Women’ that there is biasness and gender discrimination in numerous environments such as schools, workplaces and research field, in the occasion where a man and woman work collaboratively with the same strength, then the man gets more credits than the woman. I support this and the courses of action that women have and are still putting in action to curb the problem. Al...
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