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Virtual learning Mathematics & Economics Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Answer following questions one by one, please list the question. It’s all about virtual learning!


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  1. What is the broad context of the problem that your team is studying, and why are the questions that you are asking interesting?

  1.  In case there have been previous studies in your proposed problem area, what have they concluded (and how were they limited)? Or, if no studies have been conducted, What is the specific phenomenon you are interested in?


  1. To characterize this phenomenon, what will be your measured response, and what will be your factors (cf. DAE 1.4)? Are there any uncontrollable or nuisance factors?


  1. Justify the feasibility of your study. What risks do you anticipate?

No response/Lack of responders

People may hide their true feelings/opinions for some of the questions, e.g.  Cheating/academic honesty related questions

Risk of exposing ourselves to COVID-19 when sending questionnaires(?)
5. How will you know that your study has been successful?

Concrete answers from data


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Virtual Learning and its Pros and Cons Student’s name
Professor’s name
Virtual Learning
1 What is the broad context of the problem that your team is studying, and why are the questions that you are asking interesting?
The broader context of the problem that the team is studying is the increase in heterogeneity of the university student population in virtual learning environments. The group was concerned about how university students have decided to look for suitable alternatives for training programs. The problem under study requires the team to base on quality, equity, and inclusion in e-learning to identify emerging trends in virtual learning. The questions that the team is asking are interesting because they base on what the university education system is experiencing. Also, some questions are emergent, and they determine how future virtual learning will look like, which makes them interesting.
2 In case there have been previous studies in your proposed problem area, what have they concluded (and how were they limited)? Or, if no studies have been conducted, what is the specific phenomenon you are interested in?
There have been previous studies on this problem, and one of them concluded that there would be different and many platforms for virtual university education by 2020. The study added that universities encourage creativity, specifically among science students, and develop advanced platforms in virtual education environments (Dillenbourg 122). Another research study by Pan et al. (221) concluded that the diversity of virtual learning environments in universities would improve the quality and content of education. Students will now be able to compare different concepts and come up with relevant conclusions. Also, this study concluded that there would be new research methods where research teams can collect data in the comfort of their homes.
3 To characterize this phenomenon, what will be your measured response, and what will be your factors (cf. DAE 1.4)? Are there any uncontrollable or nuisance factors
In the study, to characterize the phenomenon, the measured...
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