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Aids Trials and Aids Infection in Africa

Essay Instructions:
Write essay that uses language and concepts of Data Ethics to question below.You may take either for or against,or argue both sides.12 font. question #1 AIDS Trials in Africa. one of the most important goals of AIDS research is to finda vaccine that will protect agaist HIV infection. Because AIDS is commom in parts of Africa,that is the easiest place to test a vaccine. It is likely, however,that a vaccine would be so expensive that it could not(at least at first) be widely used in Africa. It is ethical to test in Africa if the benefits go the mainly to rich countries? The treatment group of subects would get the vaccine and the placebo group would later be given the vaccine if it proved effective. So the actual subjects would benefit-it is the future benefits that would go elsewhere, probably to wealthier, western countries. what do u think? question #2 AIDS Ifection in Africa.Effective drugs for treating AIDS are very expensive,so some African nations cannot afford to give them to large numbers of people.Yet AIDS is more common in parts of African than anywhere else.Several clinical trials are looking at ways to prevent pregnant mothers infectad with HIV from passing the infection to their unborn children, a major source of HIV infections in Africa. some people say these trials are unethical because they do not give effective AIDS drugs to their subjects, as would be required in rich nations. Other reply that the trials are looking for treatments that can work in the real world in Africa and that thay promise benefits at least to the children of their subjects. what do you thinks? PLE use the following Vocabulary to write the essay.Clinical trials, informed consent, confidentality, anomymity, data, experiment, institational reviewsboards, i964 Helsink Declaration of the world, medical association minimal risk.This is DATA ETHICS ESSAY Paper.
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Ethics in Aids Trials and Aids Infection in Africa
In the recent past there has been renewed attention to ethical issues due to recent experiences with AIDS clinical trials that have been conducted within African. This is due to the fact that there have been numerous ethical issues arising when there is participation of human subjects in these clinical trials (Barret, 2006). For instance, one of the major challenging issues has been to ensure that vulnerable individuals who participate in the clinical trials are fairly treated during the clinical trial and after. However, despite the fact that considerable discussion has taken place concerning ethical issues that arise during clinical trials, very little interventions seem to have been devised especially when the study is performed by in Africa by investigators from developed countries (Niekerk and Kopelman, 2005).
Finding vaccine to AIDS has been a major goal of AIDS research mainly because it will go a long way in protecting people against HIV infection. Therefore, considering that AIDS is common in most parts of sub-Saharan African makes it the easiest place to test AIDS vaccine because it is the most likely place where sufficient subjects can be readily obtained. However, ethical issues arise considering that despite that the subjects for these clinical trials will be from Africa the resulting vaccine would be so expensive such that at first it could not be widely used in Africa (Barret, 2006). This means that despite the human subjects participating in these clinical trials been drawn from African, most of the people from Africa will not gain the benefits of this vaccine but the people from developed and rich countries. Ethics of research should not allow this to happen since it means that people from Africa will just be used as “guinea pigs” by the developed countries (Brody, 1998). Thus on ethical basis it would be necessary to subsidize the vaccine to ensure that people from Africa who are widely affected by AIDS pandemic easily access the vaccine (Niekerk and Kopelman, 2005).
In addition, these clinical trials should always emphasize on ensuring that informed consent is obtained from the study participants as well as assuring the participants that the data obtained from them will be confidential. This is very essential in making sure that the obtained data will only be used for the disclosed purpose and access by unauthorized persons will not be allowed (Friedman, Furberg, and DeMets, 2010). If these requirements are not adhered to, then these clinical trials should not be allowed to take place in Afr...
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