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Reflection of the Article, Where the Good Jobs Are

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1 Reflection of the article, Where the Good Jobs Are.
This is an important article about employment and employment opportunities in the United States and the importance of college education and a college degree in finding a job in the country (Porter 01). The author of the author passes a sole message that for one to enjoy the fruits of a decent and reliable wage, each individual must have attended a college institution, finished it and obtained a college degree or hence they will be forced to change their location of residence since not all states in the United States are employment friendly to individuals without a college degree.
This author relates to economy in such a way that it explains certain educational requirements that one needs to have in order to keep up with the rise of economy and economic changes in the United States of America. Additionally, after watching the author, using my intuition, I made a realization that the economy of the United States of America highly satisfies the members of the upper class while the members of the lower class are set a national median wage that they are forced to attain in the same way (Porter 03). Therefore, to avoid this, since the government has its economic power of the monetary policy, it can maintain its economy by increasing interest rates in developed states and increasing money supply to less developed ones as well as increasing employment opportunities in such a way that I does not cause inflation. Moreover, I agree with the concept that a degree is important in finding the job of your dreams but I disagree with the notion that ...
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