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2 pages/≈550 words
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Narrative Reflection: The World Cup

Essay Instructions:

The aim of this project is to reflect on your research and communicate it to a non-academic audience. Similar to previous assignments, you will identify a specific rhetorical situation that invites a response, but for this assignment, you will create a text or artifact that seeks to make an impact beyond the classroom. You will not be required to make your work public; the finished product should, however, give you that option. The instructions described below are designed to guide you through this process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Narrative Reflection Being a football fan, I have always wanted to know whether the grand stage of football, the World Cup, leads to any financial or other benefits for the host nation. The World Cup season attracts thousands if not millions of fans from across the world who fly to the host nation months or weeks before the start of the competition. So, on the surface, it has always looked like a lucrative deal and hence the fierce competition to host it. Countries spend a lot of money trying to look attractive and to increase their chances of hosting the World Cup. Billions of dollars go into furnishing what is already available as well as building new structures. So, looking at all the expenses incurred to prepare the host nation, one cannot be faulted when they think that it is indeed lucrative and feasible from a profitability standpoint. It is for the above reason that I decided to choose this problem to help reveal the truth behind the competition to host the World Cup. My target audience mainly includes all the football fans in the world as well as the countries spending billions of their taxpayers’ money to make sure they win the hosting rights. It is crucial that the football fans in the host nations know what exactly it means to host the World Cup. Often, leaders will make crucial decisions behind closed doors and then make announcements out in the public, and the citizens will go along with the deci...
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