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FOMC Meeting Essay

Essay Instructions:

The press conference of the March 20 FOMC video is on the website: https://www(dot)federalreserve(dot)gov/monetarypolicy/fomcpresconf20190320.htm

Instructions for FOMC Meeting assignment for class on Monday, April 1st . (This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.) (This assignment is designed to be completed during the class session, and in place of meeting for regular lecture. However, you may do the assignment anytime that is most convenient for you.) 1. Watch the press conference of the March 20 FOMC meeting and/or read the transcript, both posted to LMS under “Assignment: FOMC Meeting”. 2. Write a 2 page essay (double spaced, 11 pt. font, one inch margins) to include the following content: a. Summarize what Chair Powell states with regards to monetary policy decisions made by the FOMC during this most recent meeting. b. Apply some of the course material to help understand Powell’s statement (ie. think of the federal funds market, the dual mandate, the model of AD/AS). c. Listen to (or read) the Q&A session that takes place after Powell’s 10 minute talk. Pick two questions you find most interesting and write about the questions and Powell’s answers in your essay. 3. Submit the completed essay in LMS; DUE DATE is Wednesday, April 10.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Monetary Policy Decisions
On this paper, I try to analyze the monetary policy decisions on the U.S. economy. To achieve this I have organized my paper into three main sections. One is the summary of the statement on the monetary policy decisions made by FOMC during their recent meeting and delivered by their Chairman Powell. Two, applying course material to understand Powell's statement and thirdly analyze the questions that were asked to him.
Summarized Statement
The FOMC statement on the Economic Outlook made by its Chairman Mr Powell gave a clean bill of health of the performance of the economy. The committee is upbeat that the economy will grow at the rate above 2%, although it will not perform as well as last year, 2018. Inflation will remain below 4% and the unemployment remains at below 4%.
Business fixed investments have shown slower growth and consumer spending has shrunk too. Labour market indicators show significant growth, providing an opportunity for entrants in the job market. The Chairman expressed reservations on the outlook because of the external market forces, particularly Brexit and the ongoing trade negotiations that may contradict the outlook. The chairman and his committee members are taking a wait and see approach to warrant any changes because of the data above.
The growth in foreign economies, notably Europe and China has slowed but the U.S did not slow down by the end of 2018 as the evidence shows. The committee also released a revised Balance Sheet Normalization Principles and Plans. They sought to have the normalization process transparent and in line with their dual mandate of the monetary policy goal which is foster economic conditions that achieve both stable prices and maximum sustainable employment. The committee through the chairman stated their intention to return to a portfolio consisting mainly of Treasury securities.
Application of Course Material
The Federal Reserve sets out the reserve amount in order to control liquidity in the market. Thus, the Fed manages the money supply to achieve a healthy and balance economic growth. In order to maintain the outlook the chairman outlin...
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