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Life & Debt

Essay Instructions:

1. Thesis must answer the question \"What teaching about the hip hop is illustrated on the song. 2.Relate the answer to the direction attach on how to make this essay. Please refer page 109 instruction for this essay. 3.The song I choosed is called life and debt it is also attached in here.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Life & Debt
Life & and debt is a song about the life experienced by Latino's in their new country. As it goes, the reason that they migrated was so as to find a better future. This indicated in their efforts to find daily bread to sustain their present family. However, it is clear that new country is difficult to live in and that their economic situation is . There are many factors that hinder success for people of Latino origin. Latino belongs to a different class that is inferior. Their life is so difficult that a pregnancy is as a future fight. Latino's use hip hop to encourage each other and to convey the message of better days to come.
Class conflict is the antagonistic and supremacy battles experienced in the society as a result of the Socio- economic interests mostly visible in a capitalistic set up. According to the Marxist theory, a class results from ownership that vests some power on such an individual. The property one owns can be able to place such an individual to a specific social class that with it comes with power or a feeling of vulnerability (Garrett 35). Individuals with greater ownership tend to come together and work to remain at the top thus making it difficult for those at the lower classes to change their status. It is this competition to remain relevant and in power that makes them oppress and deny those who are at the bottom means and also opportunities to exploit their full potential.
As per the conflict theory, capitalistic systems always support the business owners in the assumption that the free market would cause a trickle down to those at the bottom of the pyramid. They even bring up laws such as subsidies and tax breaks that eventually benefit the rich assuming that the markets will result to the benefits reaching the poor who are mostly the providers of labour (Garrett 41). Those who are at the bottom are always victims of inequality since those holding the power make laws that are oppressive and demeaning. Those at the bottom may result to violence in an effort to beat the ruling class.
An ideal society should care for every member regardless of one's origin, race or gender. The society should be socially responsible to consider the immigrants in the country. It is notable that the most illegal and dangerous jobs are by immigrants. In addition, these people live in the most adverse areas of the country (Haugen et al. 172). From ancient times, the society has abused the marginalized and minority members of the society for the most undesirable and dangerous jobs. Before modern ci...
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