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The Issue Of Incarceration In The United States

Essay Instructions:

Consider the New Yorker article (it is in the Canvas Öles), Inside the Mayorís Plan to Close Rikers: Can New York City build its way out of mass incarceration? Reáect on the merits and pitfalls of the mayorís plan. Use information gathered from the documentary, 13th and any concepts learned in the class to argue for or against the mayorís plan.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Incarceration Aside from the issue of gun control and abortion, one can argue that the issue of incarceration in the United States is one of the most polarizing topics in the country. People come up with different views with regards to incarceration. One of the views held by some people is that the U.S. needs to reduce the number of inmates and find or work towards a more rehabilitative approach. However, others feel that jails are a necessity and that more people need to be locked up. Well, these views continue to divide the nation, but the former appears to be winning and gaining ground fast. Leaders have been speaking about a reduction of the jails and instituting plans to help ensure that the number of prison inmates reduces. In a city like New York, this matter has been repeatedly discussed and the public, as expected, are divided in their belief and approach to the topic. The film 13th takes one through history and shows how the problem started. The film narrows down everything to one line which reads: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” As per the film, this is where it all started, and everything spiraled downwards from here. However, as indicated, some people are working hard to ensure that regardless of the mistakes of the past, the U.S. is able to stand firm and make steps in the right direction. New York mayor de Blasio knows the problem plagues her city and she is ready to work towards making some changes. However, her proposal appears to have some loopholes and uncertainties, but the idea is one that can help the city of New York make concrete steps in the right direction especially where criminal justice is concerned. The proposal to close the eight jails in Rikers Island does have some merit, and one of the things it will help ensure is a reduction in the number of those who are held in city jails. Chammah from the New Yorker notes that “there are currently about eight thousand people held in the city’s jails.” This number, apparently, is down from what is was back in the nineties. However, de Blasio’s quest is to see this number reduce to five thousand. It is no secret that the U.S. criminal justice system holds the highest number of people in the world. Other issues including the fact that a majority of those being held come from the African American community have also been coming up whenever the discussion of jails and inmates come up. It, thus, appears plausible to want to reduce the number of inmates. Additionally, there are some who are held because of minor charges, and these individuals are kept away from their families and have their dreams cut short. So, for de Blasio to want to reduce the number of people held in city jails to five thousand is a positive sign and adds to her proposal. Another advantage or merit of de Blasio’s proposal as seen from Chammah’s article is that it will reduce the chances of there being any scandals or unfair sentencing. As indicated in the article, an inmate by the name of Browder was held for three years at Rikers Island where he was broken physically and mentally. These abuses finally led him to his grave since he took his life. Cases like Browder’s are many, but only a few ever get to the media and find their way to the public. The implication of this is that there are many broken men and women who are released to the world, but their lives never continue. These people come out of jail emotionally and physically worn out and eventually, many take Browder’s path. A system that is meant to help people rehabilitate or reform should not tear them down as these...
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