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2 pages/≈550 words
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Human-Computer Technology and Mitigating Growth and Innovation

Essay Instructions:

Here are the prompts for Competing Article Reflection #1

(Two Videos "Humans Need Not Apply" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU) and "Why are there so many jobs" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCxcnUrokJo))

• Answer to the following questions in each of the reflections

1. Give a brief description /summary/ central message of the videos (please avoid retelling).

2. How are these videos connected to economics? Did you have any insights intuitions, realization or reactions after watching these videos? How do these realizations relate to any of the concepts, models etc. taught in class?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the central message of these videos? What do you agree with and what do you disagree with? Do you have any policies to propose that would benefit our society? (make sure the policies are economic policies)

4. Your submission should have an outline: you can use 1 – 3 as the headings of the outline. Remember, the final submission has to be one document (pdf) in the link called Article Reflection 1

5. Write minimum 600 words & Submit by 11:55 PM on Sunday April 14- this assignment has 5 grade points (5% of the grade)

6. Make sure you have put your writing through a software: word / Grammarley etc. to have it proof read. You are looking to stay away from errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. Make sure that you pay attention to formatting by using a non-fancy font (Times New Roman, 12 point font is the most commonly used), double spaced writing and one inch margins.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Title
Article Reflection
Both videos analyze the future of human labor due to automation. The central message both articles tries to communicate about the bright future that is inhabited by the machines. Machines are currently used by companies to complete the task assigned that initially would be attached to a human. In the past, such work was performed by laborers and companies were forced to hire plenty of them. With advancement in technology engineers and programmers have developed machines that can complete the tasks assigned. The new machine used is more powerful and increases production with innovation employed. Some of the devices used have been given the ability of human and works comfortably. Slowly machines are replacing human labor and companies are turning into digital labor. Most people are going to end up losing their jobs. Human population has increased all over the world, and this is going to leave millions of people unemployed. Some of the machines are cheap and cost approximately $39 a piece which makes it affordable. Hence, people will be in a race with computers, and they will be big losers.
Both articles are related to the economy in a certain way. Economy concentrates on production, consumption and how wealth is being transferred. The articles are related to economics since they focus on manufacturing and how it saves an organization funds. The articles discuss machine production which is slowly replacing human labor in the long term. Machines invented are effective than human and is cost effective. They are going to be beneficial to the organization and boost profitability. Computers are going to lower the cost of operation in an organization s...
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