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S4: How Can Businesses And Labor Best Achieve Their Goals?

Essay Instructions:

Essential Questions: 1. How can businesses and labor best achieve their goals?2. Why should business and labor care how the economy is doing?
Task: Your next skill goal will be to research relevant information to answer an essential question. You will continue to develop and strengthen your comprehension skills, ability to analyze evidence, and your ability to break down an essential question.

Formative Steps:Step #1: Breaking down the essential questionsBreak down our first essential question: How can businesses and labor best achieve their goals?- First, figure out what you already know that can help you answer this question.- Second, identify what information you need to learn so you can answer this question.- Lastly, what smaller questions do you need to answer before you answer this question?Now that you’ve broken down the first essential question, it’s time to break down the second essential question. Think of the two questions as a pair: the first question leads to the second question. So, to break down the second essential question, you just add to what you already have for the first essential question.- First, what additional information do you need to learn to answer this question.- Lastly, what additional questions do you need to ask to connect the first essential question to the second essential question?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
S4: Business, Labor and the Economy
Essential Questions:
1 How can businesses and labor best achieve their goals?
2 Why should business and labor care how the economy is doing?
Task: Your next skill goal will be to research relevant information to answer an essential question. You will continue to develop and strengthen your comprehension skills, ability to analyze evidence, and your ability to break down an essential question.
Formative Steps:
Step #1: Breaking down the essential questions
Break down our first essential question: How can businesses and labor best achieve their goals?
* First, figure out what you already know that can help you answer this question.
* Second, identify what information you need to learn so you can answer this question.
* Lastly, what smaller questions do you need to answer before you answer this question?
Information you already know

-Business and labor have labor force
-It is essential for the working of the organization.
-Labor can be internal or external
-Internal labor can influence the withstanding of an organization is there are economic uncertainties that will take place in the future.

Information you need to learn

-The practical ways through which business and labor help an organization to achieve its goals.
-Which are the ways through which internal labor within an organization can be improved.
- How can companies locate jobs for the people at the place it is located as a means of giving back to the community.

Smaller questions you need to answer

-Which are some of the aspects of an organization that depends on internal labor and how can business organizations improve their internal labor so that they can achieve their goals?
- How does regular staff management training influence the delivery of effective internal labor within an organization?

Now that you’ve broken down the first essential question, it’s time to break down the second essential question. Think of the two questions as a pair: the first question leads to the second question. So, to break down the second essential question, you just add to what you already have for the first essential question.
* First, what additional information do you need to learn to answer this question.
* Lastly, what additional questions do you need to ask to connect the first essential question to the second essential question?
Information you need to learn

* What is the relationship that exists between labor, business and the economy of the country?
* How does employment opportunities provided by the organizations contribute to the development of an organization?

Smaller questions you need to answer

* Which are some of the companies that have opened up employment opportunities and what are the impacts on the economy of the country?
* -How does the government policy influence business and labor in a country?
* Why is it important that the government formulates policies that are business friendly?

F3: Essential Question Rubric:

Below Expectations

Approaching Expectations

Meeting Expectations

Exemplifying Expectations

Application and Analysis

Student does not break down the essential question in a clear or logical way.

Student attempts to break down the essential question but does not always do so in a clear and/or logical way.

Student breaks down the essential question in a clear and logical way.

Student breaks down the essential question in a clear and logical way, by using this skill beyond the requirements of the assignment.

Teacher Feedback: This assignment is incomplete. Please email me when you finish this assignment.

16.11-12.SOC.AA.002 - Student develops and implements an action plan to investigate a social science research question.
Step #2: Relevant research
In this step, you will find the information you said you needed to learn in your first essential question break down. You must identify and explain research for at least 3 of things you said you needed to learn in your formative. All explanations must be in your own words.
1 You must choose one of the following companies to focus your research on:
1 Apple
2 7-Eleven
3 Restaurants dealing with sexual harassment scandals
4 Walmart
5 Car companies
2 You must use one of the following sources to conduct your research:
6 Reuters
7 NYTimes
8 CNNMoney
9 Bloomberg
Information you need to learn

Source: Article and publication

Explanation of how your source helped you learn this information

The practical ways through which business and labor help an organization to achieve its goals

The New York Times (2012) Clear Goals Matter More than Mission

The article contains an interview and through the interview, the interviewee explains how an organization can achieve its goals by making sure that there is proper utilization of labor.

Which are the ways through which internal labor within an organization can be improved

Reuters (2016) H&M says working to improve labor conditions in India, Cambodia factories

It contains a case study on how the managers of an organization can improve the labor within an organization.

How can companies locate jobs for the people at the place it is located as a means of giving back to the community.

The New York Times article, “Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to the US.”

It contains the various ways through which Apple as a company encourages its workers and how it plans to employ more Americans as part of its labor force.

F4: Relevant Research Rubric

Below Expectations

Approaching Expectations

Meeting Expectations

Exemplifying Expectations

Application and Analysis

Student does not identify credible research and/or does not explain how research is relevant to answering an essential question.

Student attempts to identify research but is not always credible, and/or student attempts to explain how research answers an essential question but not all research is relevant.

Student identifies credible research and explains how research is relevant to answering an essential question.

Student identifies credible research and explains how research is relevant to answering an essential question, by using this skill beyond the requirements of ...
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