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History Of Math Paper: Contribution In Math

Essay Instructions:

Pick a mathematician, a tool used in math, a branch of mathematics or something else in the world of mathematics of your choice and explain the history of your topic. For a person in math, give a brief biography of their life and how they contributed to mathematics. For an object or a branch, explain how it came to be. This includes the mathematicians involved in creating and refining it, the original use and form, and some problems it can be used to solve. This project is meant to show me that you researched and learned something new about a historical topic in the world of mathematics. I am looking for proper grammar and sentence structure, but I am most concerned with your knowledge of the topic. Pick something you are interested in and have fun with it. If you have any questions of where to begin or a topic to research, come talk to me and we can find something to research. You will be graded on your knowledge of the topic, how in depth your research is, and grammatical accuracy. This will be worth 40 points. Make sure you follow the proper guidelines for citing sources and formatting a paper. Feel free to have other teachers check your paper for grammatical corrections prior

to handing in the final paper.


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Brief biography
Archimedes, the most famous inventor and mathematician in ancient Greece was born in in Italy, 287 BCE (Toomer). He is particularly known for his discovery of the relationship between the surface of a sphere and its volume as well as its circumscribing cylinder. He discovered a hydrostatic principle, commonly referred to as the Archimedes’ principle and developed a device that could raise water, which is still used today in third-world countries. This device is known as the Archimedes screw. Archimedes spent some of his life in Egypt during the early times of his career, although he lived in Syracuse where they shared intimate terms with the King of Syracuse known as Hieron II (Toomer). Through correspondence, Archimedes published his great works through correspondence with other principle mathematicians during his time such as Eratosthenes of Cyrene and Conon of Samos who were both Alexandrian scholars. He played a major role in defending Syracuse against the Romans in the year 213 BCE through the construction of a machine that could be used in war(Toomer, 2018). This war machine made it possible to delay the capture of the city of Syracuse. However, Archimedes was later killed when the Roman general Marcus Claudius Marcellus eventually subdued Syracuse during the autumn time of 212 BCE or the Spring of 211 BCE (Toomer). There are more details existing about Archimedes’ life compared to other ancient scientists, although su...
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