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Government Budget Deficits or National Debt

Essay Instructions:

There's an example of the journal, and your journal should look exactly the same.
READ a newspaper or news magazine on a daily basis.
CHOOSE any recent article (written on or after January 1, 2017) that appears to be relevant to the topics being studied in class.
FORMAT: 1) Summary: briefly summarize your chosen article; 2) Critical Analysis: critically analyze it using your own words; 3) Critical question: pose a significant question from your article.
ATTACH a copy of the article along with your analysis.
TOPICS: Government Budget Deficits or National Debts.
The summary is complete and accurate and gives details.
Analysis has a clear evidence of critical thinking and original thought.
Question is provoking critical thinking.
Tips for successful Economic Journal
1) Label the sections of your journal: a. Summary; b. Critical Analysis; c. Critical Questions.
2) Summary
a) Your summary should be limited to information you found in the article.
b) The source and the main idea of the article should be in the first sentence.
c) Summary should specify the main ideas presented in the article.
d) Do not use direct quotes more than once. Use your own words.
3) Critical Analysis
a) Analysis should be based on your summary
b) It must be entirely your own words. It may include your agreement or disagreement with some part of the article, personal opinion or observations about the subject.
4) Critical Questions
a) Do not be too general or obvious.
b) It should come from your analysis.
c) It should be specific and provoke critical thinking.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor Name
Government Budget Deficits or National Debt
In U.S. Budget Deficit Widening Again Amid Talk of Possible Tax Cuts, Ben Leubsdorf claims that the U.S. budget deficit has widened in recent months to its highest level and withholding taxes have fallen to an extent. The government had roughly $210 billion budget in February 2018 as compared to the deficit of $190 billion in February 2017. Economist polled by The New York Times has forecast a $210 billion deficit earlier this year, and revenues have been down 10% with withholding taxes falling by 2% (Leubsdorf 2017).
It looks like the American economy is getting strengthened day by day. Today, numerous investors are ready to invest their money in different businesses and companies in the United States. The investors and economists expect that the taxes will be cut down and it will eventually strengthen the economy of the state by 2019. Annual budget deficit...
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