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Does Child Labor Still Exist?

Essay Instructions:

i) Statement of the question this academic paper is analyzing. Why is it important and (intellectually and academically) interesting? You want to expand on what you wrote for the outline using data, tables, charts. Data, tables and charts usually go at the end of the paper after References / Bibliography. Feel free to use non academic sources in this place ii) Literature Review & Innovation: What is “new” and “improved” in the Main papers that you selected? How did the Main Papers you selected separate themselves from the literature? I expect you to read at least the First Main Paper by this submission deadline thoroughly – therefore you want to write about just the First Main paper here. For the final submission, I would like to see what is new and improved in all the main papers that you selected & how do they compare with one another. iii) Assessment of the Literature: Want your opinion; backed by reasons; of what are the gaps in the literature / the main papers that you selected & what can be done to improve things. You can have objections about the question, the data, the variables used, the estimation methodology, the final answer etc. For this draft, you can write about what you think are the shortcomings of the First Main Paper (with justifications) and focus on how can these results be improved?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Does Child Labor Still Exist? Child labors is one of the common issues affecting children education in different parts of the world. According to Beegle, Dehejia and Gatti (2009), child labor has a number of far reaching consequences on child education. The researchers establish that child labor can lead to about 46% reduction of the probability of the children attending school and it can lead to a 21% decrease in the attainment of education by the childrenCITATION Bee09 \p "p. 872" \l 1033 (Beegle, Dehejia and Gatti p. 872). The International Labor Organization report (2013) states that there are about 265 million children who are working. This figure indicates that 17% of the total child population in the world are working as laborers. Figure 1: Showing incidences of child labor Source: https://ourworldindata.org/child-labor The purpose of this paper is to examine the existence of child labor and the contributing factors to child labor. Understanding the main causes of child labor is important as it will help to come up with appropriate strategies to prevent the rising incidences of child labor among the children. Child education is important and it has a number of effects on the development of the nation. Researchers have observed that child labor can double the probability of working for wages among the children for about five yearsCITATION Bee09 \p "p. 872" \l 1033 (Beegle, Dehejia and Gatti p. 872). This means that when children engage in child labor, there is wastage of time which in turn affects their wage attainment. Literature Review and Innovation The main paper used for this study contains a number of case studies on the effects of child labor on a number of aspects such as the labor market, the health and education. Due to the empirical data contained in this research article, it qualifies as a credible source of information to help us understand the effects of child labor. Most of the papers that I found on the topic relied heavily on the work of the other researchers and as such they would not serve as a credible source of information. The data obtained from the empirical studies carried out by the researchers would also be interpreted differently depending on the needs of our research which is to understan...
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