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Development in a Globalized World. Mathematics & Economics Essay

Essay Instructions:

The requirement for this is if Wakanda could exist in the real world (minus the invisibility shield) by analyzing real-world context from throughout history.

real world Refers to the selection of a historical event below.

The colonization and war of independence for the United States of America

Slavery in West African communities (not the Atlantic Slave Trade)

Establishment and abolition of apartheid in South Africa

Nigerian independence and the Biafran War

The Cold War (especially as it affected African countries)

World War 2 (pay special attention to events in Africa)

The Second Industrial Revolution

Sudanese Civil War

East African drought of 2011

Syrian Civil War

The first formative is your analysis of the movie Black Panther. You will use it as your base of comparison of Wakanda the moments in history that you research. In your second formative, you will research a historical moment that Wakanda could have lived through if it was indeed a real country. In your third formative, you will determine your argument and the argument that will follow answering the essential question for the summative.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Development in a Globalized World
Cepal (2015) defines globalization as a development agenda that a country makes economically, socially and cultural, and the development has a greater influence in international platform.. The factors that propels a nation to the globalized development are trade liberation, information technology and communication revolution. Globalization has bought massive effects in a country; borders have melted, and ushered free trade which in turn has improved economic growth through money exchange, also on the platform of information and communication there has been a great change that has removed barriers of distance and time argues Passaris(2006,n.p). Globalization is not an a new concept from time in memorial the process of globalization has taken different form and followed different direction, however, the qualitative break of globalization from the past was brought about by information and communication revolution. In that breadth of globalization this paper will look at the formative analysis of the fiction city of Wakanda as imagined in Black Panther movie, the analysis will examine Wakanda existing in real world without the invisibility shield then analyze the real world context from throughout in history.
Wakanda had imagination location from the nuclear age Congo this was according to the imagination of the marvel dynamic duo Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1966 when they introduced Blank Panther and Wakanda in the 52 edition of fantastic four comic. The location has varied with time with some recent speculation giving Rwanda as the location, other comic has shown the location surrounded by hill and river Nyanza. Wakanda is also resourceful; having a rare mineral known as vibranium. And unlike many African countries Wakanda was not colonized, the fact that Wakanda was not colonized made it possible for it to build a society with no influence from either the British or the French, Larry(2017). Larry describes the African countries divided in two according to the colonizers; he mentions that there are Francophone Africa that’s is French colonized and Anglophone the British colonized. The Kenyan Journalist concludes by mentioning that Africa countries have their identity deep rooted in the colonizers. For Wakanda it had a unique Identity says Larry(2017). Hypothetical time of history will be difficult but Berker(2017) suggest that if its history were interpreted in a more modern way, then Wakanda would have much more storied history with higher technological advancement. Berker emphasize that with the history of technology, in the real world, Wakanda would not be threate...
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