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Declining Output, Hyperinflation, and Trade Deficit

Essay Instructions:

The following represent the homework assignments. Each question must be answered in essay form of not more that 250 words 


In preparing the essays you must: (1) use standard written English with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation; (2) provide in-depth critical analysis (inductive and deductive reasoning) of the economic principles invoked in the questions, using relevant facts, data, definitions, and examples to support your analysis/opinions; and (3) if you are using other subject matter or authoritative sources, you must clearly give the proper credit and identify them in the places in the essays where they have been quoted.

17.       Chapter 17: Money, Growth and Inflation

            Topic: Life During Hyperinflation (page 354)

            The article mentions that Venezuela’s hyperinflation coincided with a shrinking economy. How does declining output contribute to hyperinflation? How does hyperinflation contribute to declining output?

18.       Chapter 18:  Open Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts

            Topic: Is the U.S. Trade Deficit A National Problem (page 367)? Discuss. Why? Or Why not?

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Chapter 17
Declining output contributes to hyperinflation. Brook Larmer defines hyperinflation as the phenomenon that occurs when the government persistently prints or spends money that is unavailable and the public loses confidence in the currency (Larmer 354). In particular, declining output means that there exists a shortage of goods and services, leading to increased prices of commodities. Based on the law of demand, prices of products and services rise when the quantity demanded plummets. However, if the government prints more money, it does not mean that the quantity of goods increases. In that light, a scenario occurs when more money is chasing a few products. That is why in the case at hand, an individual walked into a restaurant in Managua with a backpack full of cash to buy a meal.
On the contrary, hyperinflation contributes to the declining output. People tend to hoard products, including food due to the rising prices, and in turn, it leads to shortages. From 2013 to 2017, Venezuela’s economy shrank by 35% and economists projected another 18% decline in 2018 (Larmer 354). Hyperinflation in this country caused chronic medicine and food shortages. Some people fled the country since they would no longer sustain their lifestyles. Even with 300 billion barrels of oil reserves, it was difficult for Venezuela to redeem its economy from hyperinflation (Larmer 355). As a result, hyperinflation causes declining outp...
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