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Globalization of Trade in UK and Australia

Essay Instructions:

See attached document, and complete the parts for Jennifer Xu

Australia: part A and C

UK: part A


I.   Trade in G&S (by 10/26)

Hey Breylen, what’s your phone number? We’re having a group chat on iMessage

A.  Globalization of trade. ()

●    Pugel includes a table on p. 19 (reproduced here) showing that trade has increased for his sample countries.  How large was trade as a percentage of GDP for your country a few decades ago?  In the most recent year for which data are available?


[Your discussion here.]


B.  Transportation.()

●    How is most of your country’s trade conducted (road, rail, water)?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Have there been significant changes over the last several decades in how trade is conducted?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Have there been any major upgrades to transportation facilities used for international trade that have reduced transportation costs?


[Your discussion here.]


C.  Impact of COVID-19 on Trade. ()

●    How has the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects affected the volume of your country’s imports?  Exports?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Are there categories of goods and services that have been particularly affected?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Can you identify the specific source of the shock (e.g., cancelled orders, suspension of exports by trading partners)?


[Your discussion here.]


D.  The Heckscher-Ohlin theorem and trade patterns. ()

●    In what factors of production, e.g., capital, unskilled labor, is your country relatively abundant?  Relatively scarce?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Does the actual pattern of goods trade, i.e., what goods your country imports and exports, appear to be consistent with your country’s factor endowment?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Does the actual pattern of services trade, i.e., what services your country imports and exports, appear to be consistent with your country’s factor endowment?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Are there major categories of imports or exports (SITC or HS codes) that have experienced significant changes over time?


[Your discussion here.]


E.  New trade theory. ()

●    To what extent is your country’s trade intra-industry vs. inter-industry?  (You might look at data for SITC or HS codes for which your country has significant trade.)


[Your discussion here.]


●    Is your country home to oligopoly firms in world markets (internal economies of scale) or industry clusters (external economies of scale)?


[Your discussion here.]


F.  Trading partners. ()

●    Which countries are your country’s main trading partners?  Are they at similar or different levels of economic development?


[Your discussion here.]


●    Have there been significant changes in the relative importance of particular trading partners over the past several decades?


[Your discussion here.]


G.  Is there anything else interesting you discovered in your research? ()


[Your discussion here.]

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Country Project, Australia and UK
Part A: Globalization of Trade
About ten years ago, Australia had a GDP of 1.397 trillion United States dollars. In 2018, the Australia had a GDP of Australia was recorded at 1.434 trillion United States dollars. The country has continued to grow and has a strong economy. The GDP has grown continuously since 2011, which can be attributed to a favorable business environment that enhances trade with its partners (Data Commons).
Part C: Impact of COVID-19 on Trade
The emergence of corona virus has greatly affected how business is conducted. One of the major effects on trade is the disruption of supply chain. Many of domestic businesses that rely on movement of people were affected. The volume of imports and exports was reduced because the virus resulted to limited movement between different countries. There were limited goods that could be exported and imported into the country (Jenkins, Nicolson and Wilcock).
While the impacts of the virus can be experienced on all sectors of the economy, there are certain areas that have been severely affected by the outbreak. One of the severely affected sectors was tourism. Many of tourists in Australia come from other countries. With the travel restrictions across the world, the country could not receive foreigners or visitors from other country. Moreover, domestic tourism was also discouraged since people were placed on lockdown (Paul Hardman; Phoebe Yin).
There were certain areas that led to the economic shock that was experienced within the country. The lock down that was enforced after the outbreak limited business transaction and reduced the rate of consumption of certain products. Also, the travel bans limited people movement across borders. It was reported that a third of the individuals working in the service sector lost their jobs. This was caused by the restrictions and the shock on the economy has been massive (Smyth).
UK: Money
Complete the following table:
Questions in this column Your answers in this column
What is the monetary unit? Pound sterling (GBP)
What is its current $ value? $1.29 USD / GBP
Does the currency float or is the value fixed? Floating exchange rates
What is the largest note or coin? Ј50
What is the smallest note or coin? Ten pounds
Does the country have its own central bank? Yes
What is the name of the central bank? Bank of England
When was the central bank founded? July 27, 1694
Who is the head of the central bank? Mark Carney
If your country does not have its own central bank, what is the source of monetary policy? Not applicable
What is the opportunity cost of holding money?
(Use the yield on a short-term government security)
What is the value of M1? 2,070,594,000,000
What is the value of M2? 2,726,605,000,000
What is the value of M3? (If available.) 3,211,756,000,000
What is the ...
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