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China Investment in Africa

Essay Instructions:

The essay must be at least 525 words.
Your thesis must be one of the following:
China’s investment in Africa is a mutually beneficial
China’s is exploiting Africa
No direct quotes are allowed. All quotes from your sources must be paraphrased and cited.
You must cite at least three of the articles assigned in class. Other sources can be used as well.
CFR: China in Africa - https://www(dot)cfr(dot)org/backgrounder/china-africa (Links to an external site.)
CFR: Building a New Silk Road - https://www(dot)cfr(dot)org/backgrounder/building-new-silk-road (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)Bräutigam: U.S. politicians get China in Africa all wrong Download Bräutigam: U.S. politicians get China in Africa all wrong
(Links to an external site.)Mourdoukoutas: What Is China Doing In Africa? Download Mourdoukoutas: What Is China Doing In Africa?
(Links to an external site.)Smith: The Future Is in Africa, and China Knows It
to the writer:
Please disregard the description. Download the file and the description is in there.
The essay must be at least 750 words instead of 525 words.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:
China Investment in Africa
The African continent was left behind by other continents during the Industrial Revolution and has never recovered the development gap. This has made the continent attract overseas investors competing for the opportunity-rich continent. China is one of the significant investors in the African continent whose involvement has raised global concerns from economists and other stakeholders. The country surpassed the US, UK, and other big overseas investors creating a cold war, most of them accusing China of colonizing Africa. However, business investment needs one to venture into promising markets, which China did in Africa. In return, Africa benefits from China's presence, improving its economic situation, which has remained at the bottom of the grid for a long time. Therefore, China's investment in Africa is mutually beneficial. Africa has used China's involvement to develop infrastructure, create jobs, and improve the continent's economy while China gets resources for its expanded manufacturing industry.
The African continent's infrastructure has greatly developed through the involvement of China in Africa. China's technology in construction is the best globally, and the country has used it to negotiate terms when investing in Africa (Mourdoukoutas). This means they get the deficit resources from Africa and offer infrastructure construction services. In some cases, the African countries approach China for business partnerships where China builds a road, port, or railway in exchange for certain resources from Africa. This relationship is mutually beneficial because China gets what it does not have while Africa also gets the development it cannot build.
China has created several jobs in Africa by investing there. Investment means initiating several operations that lead to wealth multiplication through production and supply of resources and finished products (China in Africa). People are needed to facilitate these processes, and China does not export its workforce to Africa. It only sends its best personnel to handle the technical part of the operations and hires the local Africans to handle the rest creating jobs in the process (Maru). The Chinese contractors send their technical team to read the maps and technical construction details in infrastructure development work. The rest of the work is often left to the local Africans. In addition to creating jobs, China also offers training to local Africans to ensure they perform excellent jobs that are up to the standard needed globally. This means that China's involvement in Africa is of good intention and not of exploitation, as other people may argue.
China's investment in Africa has developed the continent's economy, although it has not reached that of other continents...
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