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2 pages/≈550 words
Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Business People Using People’s Weaknesses or Lack of Awareness to Benefit Themselves

Essay Instructions:

1. Give a brief description /summary/ central message of the videos (please avoid retelling). 2. How are these videos connected to economics? Did you have any insights intuitions, realization or reactions after watching these videos? How do these realizations relate to any of the concepts, models etc. taught in class? 3. Do you agree or disagree with the central message of these videos? What do you agree with and what do you disagree with? Do you have any policies to propose that would benefit our society? (make sure the policies are economic policies) 4. Your submission should have an outline: you can use 1 – 3 as the headings of the outline. Remember, the final submission has to be one document (pdf) in the link called Article Reflection 1 5. Write minimum 600 words & Submit by 11:55 PM on Sunday April 21- this assignment has 5 grade points (5% of the grade) 6. Make sure you have put your writing through a software: word / Grammarly etc. to have it proof read. You are looking to stay away from errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. Make sure that you pay attention to formatting by using a non-fancy font (Times New Roman, 12 point font is the most commonly used), double spaced writing and one inch margins.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A brief description of the central message of the videos
Charities given to the poor in the society are mostly mind games that makes them think you are helping whereas they are being exploited. The concept of receiving a gift after buying something is mostly wrong since the price of the item is higher than it is supposed to be. When calculated the price includes the original price of the commodity, the price of the gift and extra amount which is high.
This shows that there is no charity since the people are paying more than they are paying. It is a psychological game that plays with the mindset of the people. Some organizations reduce the amount or reduce the size of a product and continue charging the same price. They make the item fancier through branding and packaging so that customers will think the quality of the product has increased thus the high price.
Connection of these videos to the economy
Many profit-making companies in the world today, hide behind charities to make more profits. An example, is where a company sponsors a charity event to help the poor and they sell tickets for attendance which earns the more money than they spent on the event. Some organizations also use this strategy when they offer free services to their customers but they overcharge services in another end to recover the amount not earned and more. Most governments provide services to their citizens which is supposed to help them improve their living standards but goes ahead and charge for the services.
These videos have brought to light many...
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