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Principles in Human Resource Management

Essay Instructions:

The goal of this reflection is to construct a mini-Code of Ethics for a particular profession, group, hobby, or interest that sets out principles to follow, and is annotated with justification for the principles chosen. You should relate your code to the principles you have studied to date. Please feel free to choose a profession or activity you like, you are familiar with, or you are interested in. If there is a pre-existing Code for it, do not use it -- create your own.

The evaluation of your work will be based upon: 1) your description of the profession and your overall writing and citation, 2) your explanation of your principles (meaning, being clear about why these are ethical principles, reflecting your learning in the course and your application and synthesizing of that learning) and 3) your making connections to the different theories you chose (not that you chose "right," but that your definition is accurate and your application/interpretation is reasonable).

Describe the profession, hobby, interest, etc. in a few sentences. (Cite your sources)

List three principles you believe are very important for the integrity of this profession, etc. should have. (A sentence or two each).

Explain why these principles are necessary. (A short paragraph each). By necessary, this means what ethical or unethical action is the reason for the principle.

Example: for attorneys, there is a requirement to keep a separate bank account for client funds. This is necessary as a fiduciary duty to protect client funds from being misused.

Example: for attorneys, they must keep client communications confidential in order to protect the attorney-client relationship, to allow for free communications (although there are exceptions).

Define and explain the most appropriate ethical theory that applies to this principle: Stoicism, Egoism, Ethical Relativism, Altruism, Social Contract, Consequentialism (Utilitarianism), Virtue Ethics, Kant, Ancient Philosophy/Religions.

First give a brief definition (cite the source)

Then, explain why it applies to the principle

Conclude with a warning and description of one or two tricky areas or activities that could lead to unethical behavior. (This can be based upon your own knowledge, but if you use a source, cite it).

The reflection should be a page in length. Use at least 2 proper sources (see below) Parenthetical in-text citations of sources and full citations at the end. This need not be a full formatted reference page but the citations must be in full.

Best Sources to Use:

The materials for the course (can include my own)

Articles and information from sources that are credible in terms of academic scholarship, including government historical sites and museum or library sites (this does not include political advocacy sites, blogs or student-written sites)

Established magazines and newspapers

Organizational websites (i.e., professional associations)

Sources not allowed:

Wikipedia and information from wikis


Commercial (“click-bait”) sites with unknown or non-expert authors

Obviously or highly-biased sources that contain no credible support

Sites as mentioned above that offer coaching to students or provide other students' papers

Avoiding Plagiarism:

Remember that avoiding plagiarism is a priority for students in all academic work. All assignments are reviewed through the Turnitin program upon submission.

DO NOT copy from websites or purchase from websites offering papers or assignments for sale or coaching for assignments.

DO NOT use AI for assignments.

Any information you have obtained from another source must be properly attributed. Do not copy and paste. Paraphrase with citations. Avoid long quotes, but if you quote, use quote marks and citations (including page/paragraph number).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Human Resource Management
Human resource management involves optimizing an organization's workforce for productivity and well-being (Boella and Goss-Turner).
Related Principles
Principle of Confidentiality
Commitment to confidentiality protects personal data, prevents potential psychological harm to participants, and ensures fairness in the research process through equal opportunity for all eligible individuals (de Alwis et al.). Upholding employee privacy is vital in HR ethics, respecting the significance of safeguarding sensitive information.
Ethical Theory
The social contract theory, a political and moral concept, posits that individuals within a society enter into an implicit agreement to follow specific rules and governance, relinquishing some personal freedoms in exchange for the benefits of living in an organized community and ensuring their collective well-being (Cloutier). It is connected to the Principle of Confidentiality as it emphasizes the significance of trust and mutual agreements within a society.
Principle of Equity
Equity advocates for treating all individuals fairly and without bias, irrespective of their characteristics, ensuring that discrimination is eliminated and everyone has an equitable chance to access rights and opportunities (Attfield and Attfield). Fostering fairness in HR processes is significant, ensuring equal treatment and actively combating discrimination and bias.
Ethical Theory
As described by Obrenovic et al., altruism involves individuals offering genuine assistance to others without seeking personal benefit, even if it involves sacrificing their self-interest. This altruistic behavior is connected to the Principle of Equity, as it centers on selflessly supporting others and promoting fairness and equality by the ethical principle of ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all.
Principle of Professional Development
This is about continuously improving one's knowledge and skills in one's chosen field, emphasizi...
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