Essay Available:
1 pages/≈275 words
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32
Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Individual Differences, Perception
Essay Instructions:
Topic: Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Individual Differences, Perception (Ch.1, 3)
It is important to link science to practice. You will need to submit one short essay each
week. The essay should include a true experience that could illustrate or that could be
tackled by the concepts or topics of that week. It could be an experience of your own, or
someone you actually know. Then, you need one line to explicate the concepts or topics
you used. The assignment will be grading based on the following formal and content
Format: Word document, double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1”
margins around. With your class section, instructor, full name, NetID on your header.
o Length: 100-200 words of experience description + 1 sentence of concepts and ideas
o Due: 11:59PM each Sunday
o The description is detailed, concise, and appropriate.
o The experience is interesting, important, or unique.
o The linkage between experience and concepts/idea is correct.
o Make sure you have the rights and consents to share with the class. If you do not
want that experience to be public in class, find another.
o Optional: you are encouraged to add additional materials (e.g., pictures, videos) to
support your essay. Materials with significant contributions to your essay will receive
1-point extra credit.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Number
Introduction to Organizational Behavior, Individual Differences, Perception
The past three months have been hell for my uncle after being appointed the acting general manager of a large retail store because the person who held that position had gone for unexpected early retirement. My uncle’s main concern was managing employees of the firm because he was an introvert. Throughout his 20 years in the corporate industry, he has held many administrative roles, but none directly interacted with employees. Concerni...
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